Treat you better

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A week later after they've talked about everything and made plans they were now in Chicago. JJ was getting ready at the headquarters, with everyone being there and trying to build her up.
(JJ's POV)
„So how is it gonna work again?" I asked going over it in my head while buttoning up my shirt.

„You go in, you have a good time or at least pretend to and then you walk out. From what I understand there will be someone waiting for her so you both just get in the SUV and we drive back here." Emily tried explaining.

„And why can't she get in the SUV alone? Why do I need to go in there?" I still wasn't sure about any of this, I mean I'm an FBI agent about to go in a room full of people who hate and are ready to get rid of every single one of us, I have the right to be unsure.

„Kid I know you're scared but we've gone over this a few times already, you know what to do and you know how to walk out of there, you'll be just fine" Rossi said giving me a pat on a shoulder. I sighed.

„She never leaves alone, so not only will that be suspicious but it'll make her an easier target. Doing what she does she always has to watch her back, but being with a civilian, no one makes a move. That's a rule between those people and despite what you may all think of them, they're one of the most trustworthy and loyal people you can meet." Emily told me, for like the hundredth time.

„Yeah, except I'm not a civilian." I pointed out.

„But no one besides her will know, JJ she won't let anything happen to you. If you don't trust her, trust me."

„Yeah, yeah okay," I nodded. „I know." I said still not sure about it but now it's not the time for having second thoughts.

After I got everything I needed we drove to the location that was provided to us and I went in, everyone else staying in the SUVs a safe distance away and Emily staying at the PD.

I was sitting at the bar drinking a margarita listening to DeLuca talking through the microphone, there was something about her you know. The way she carried herself, so confident and carefree. I'd even say cocky if I didn't know any better. I watched her for a while, the glock on her waist didn't escape my attention either.

I turned back to the bar when she stopped talking and after a while I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around again. There was a guy, except he was old and definitely couldn't take no for an answer.

„Look I'm telling you again, I'm not interested." I was getting tired of this guy but I also didn't wanna say two words too much. He looked at my ear piece and asked what it was. I told him it was nothing but I can tell he didn't buy that. Shit what do I do now.

„If you come with me I might forget about that little thing you've got in your ear." He smirked at me and I opened my mouth to say something but someone beat me to it.

„Leave her alone, the lady said no Bonetti, take the hint." I heard someone say and I turned around. Francesca.

„Sorry boss," he looked at me and back at her, „she's a cop, she's got an ear piece, the whole state is probably listening in on us right now." He said angrily and I started to panic but I tried not to show it.

(Your POV)

I looked at her and back at the guy, he was getting on my nerves by now. I took her ear piece out and put it in my ear.

„Don't get to full of yourself with the whole state, no one even knows we're here. She's probably listening to some music, right?" I looked at her and hoped Emily on the other side would understand what I'm trying to do here. Fortunately she did.

„Right." She replied and I smiled.

„And I don't blame her, the DJ sucks tonight," I winked at her and put the ear piece in his ear, „See? Now get the hell out of here before I'll have someone take care of you. Now." I said and he left, I turned my attention back to her.

„Hey bella, forgive me for my bad manners, I didn't introduce myself," I said sticking my hand out, „Francesca DeLuca." I said and she shook my hand.

(JJ's POV)

Hey bella. I don't know why but I got butterflies when she said that. There's something about her but I can't place it. I just know I've never felt something like this, not even with Will. I need to stop.

„Jennifer Jareau," I said shaking her and and she sat down next to me, „and thanks but I could've handled that." I told the woman in front of me.

„Of course you could, but a girl like you shouldn't have to deal with his kind." She said. The italian accent was definitely something. I don't know how I didn't notice that before.

„Girl like me?" I asked, not knowing what she was referring to. She knows I'm FBI, I deal with that everyday.

„Beautiful, kind, caring, you know that type of stuff." She said and it kinda took me off guard. I just hope I didn't blush but she gave me a smirk so guess what that means.

„You know I deal with that on a daily basis." I smiled not wanting to flirt with a literal mafia boss.

„Yeah well, not on my watch, agent Jareau." She smiled at me and I got nervous at what she called me.

„Calm down, no one can hear us," she told me and smiled getting up, „come on, let's go find your people." She stuck out her hand and before I could think about it I took it and we left.

(Song - Treat you better by Shawn Mendes)

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ