Chapter 7

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Belladonna was sitting in the library room, drinking a cup of tea while glued to her book. Toffee was slithering his way towards his mistress, and slithered onto her lap which caught her attention.

'Good morning, Toffee' Bella spoke with a smile, running her dark green painted nails over her familiar's skin.

'Good morning, mistress' Toffee hissed, nuzzling his large head against her hand before moving to curl around her torso and neck.

The fifteen year old hummed to herself as she went back to her book, but was disturbed again but this time by the sound of something pecking at the window. Bella stood from the couch, and opened it for Eclipse to fly in.

"Hello, 'Clipse. What have you got for us this fine morning?" Bella hummed, taking hold of a copy of the Daily Prophet and a couple of letters. The girl grabbed a few owl treats and fed them to the owl, who gave her a happy hoot before flying off to his perch in the backyard.

The Black witch walked out to the living room where her dad's and brother were sitting. Yes, you saw right. Dad's, plural. Turns out that James and Regulus had feelings for each other since school, but it wasn't a good time back then. The two had slowly began to rekindle said feelings, and are actually now engaged.

They're not married yet, but Bella decided it would be easier to call James dad. The first time she actually called him that, he cried. A lot. But she was happy none the less, the bigger the family the better.

"Morning, darling" Regulus spoke up, as he saw his daughter walk into the room. Though he frowned when she didn't answer, and it seemed that something had caught her attention.

"Holy Salazar" She breathed out, her eyes widening.

"What's wrong, sis?" Harry asked in concern, making her look up to face them.

"Peter Pettigrew has broken out of Azkaban" Bella answered, making the three males look at her in shock. She handed the paper to James who quickly began to read the article.

"Bloody hell" James sighed, running a hand through his dark curls which was a sign that he was already stressed.

"Don't worry about it too much, dad. Him escaping doesn't mean anything bad will happen" Bella stated, not liking how upset he was getting. She understood though, seen as Peter was the reason that Harry, James and Lily nearly got killed.

"You're probably right, but just be careful this year. Both of you" The Potter man sighed with a smile, reaching over to kiss the side of Bella's head.

"We should get ready to head off. Can't be late again" Regulus said, quirking a brow at Harry and Bella who smiled innocently.

"We have no idea what you're talking about" The two third years said at the same time, making the parents cringe slightly.

"I hate it when you do that" James muttered, getting up from the armchair and off to go get his trunk from upstairs. Harry and Bella grabbed their things, and headed off to the car to put away their trunks.

"Excited to go back, bambi?" Bella questioned, the two leaning against the car as they waited for their dad's.

"Definitely" Harry grinned.

"Wouldn't be because of a certain blonde Slytherin, would it?" The girl smirked, nudging him slightly in the ribs. She snickered when his face went a pink colour, but yelped when he nearly pushed her over.

"Says you. Excited to see a certain Italian Slytherin?" The Potter boy mocked, making Bella scoff and turned away from him while crossing her arms like a five year old. Regulus and James soon walked out of the house with their things, and once they put everything in the car they all hopped into the car.

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