Chapter 1

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James was walking the streets of London, the man having just dropped Harry off at Remus' house where he was going to stay for a few hours. The twenty-seven year old loved his son to death, but he just needed some time to himself.

He was having a particularly horrible day. His ex-wife had demanded to see Harry, to which the boy instantly said no to. Sirius keeps sending letters trying to get James to speak with him and the Potter man himself was battling with his own mind.

The man found himself in the Leaky Cauldron, a glass of whiskey being nursed in his hands. His hazel eyes were staring at the table he was sitting at, his mind completely blank. James sighed tiredly taking his glasses off to rub his eyes.

"Rough day?" Came an unfamiliar voice, causing James to look at who it was but instead saw a blurry blob. Putting his glasses back on, his breathe hitched when he saw a familiar pair of grey eyes.

"R-Reg?" He stammered, the shock of seeing the young Black hit him like a freight train.

"Wow, I'm surprised that the great James Potter remembers me" Regulus smirked, sitting himself on the hair across from the Potter man.

The young man hadn't changed all that much, his hair was slightly longer and still black, his features were still sharp but had slightly matured and he still had that arrogant smirk on his face.

"What---how, what happened to you? Everyone thinks your bloody dead?" James whispered harshly, his eyes flickering around the pub before meeting Regulus' eyes.

"I nearly died, but I had to make people believe that I was dead for my own safety. I've been in hiding until recently" Regulus explained, taking a sip of the drink he had ordered.

"How are you still alive? Better yet what exactly did you do for him to order someone to kill you?" The Potter man questioned lowly.

"I betrayed him. I was drowning in a cave, alone but Kreacher came back after I told him not to and he saved me" The twenty-five year old explained casually, but James couldn't help but look at him in shock.

"What the bloody hell did you do for that to happen?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter anymore, he's dead because of your son. So why bother speaking about it" The Black wizard shrugged, smirking slightly at the annoyed look on the Potter's face.

"Fine. Then answer me this, why are you here now?" James asked with a sigh, downing the rest of his whiskey.

"I was feeling homesick and thought why not come back to see if anything has change. Turns out, nothing has" Regulus chuckled.

The twenty-seven and twenty-five year old sat in silence, neither of them staying a word.

Even though Regulus seemed nonchalant, he was actually quite nervous being around the Potter. He hadn't seen anyone from his school days in almost nine years, and so it felt strange being back.

"So, uh, where have you been living?" James spoke up, clearing his throat nervously.

"In the French countryside. Rather beautiful, especially during the spring time" Regulus hummed.

"Sounds nice. Got a wife or husband? Kids? A pet?" Potter questioned, earning a snort from Regulus.

"No to all of them. What about you? I know you have a child and a wife, have you got a pet also? Oh wait, isn't Sirius your pet dog? I know he was back in school" Regulus smirked, though there was obvious disgust in his eyes at the mention of his older brother. But his soon frowned when he saw the look of anger that crossed James' face.

"Now that's an expression I've never seen on your face when mentioning that mongrel" Regulus sniffed haughtily, earning a scowl from James.

"Sirius and I don't speak anymore, well, more so I don't speak to him anymore" The darked haired Potter scoffed, the frown on his face deepening. This definitely peeked Regulus' interest.

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