Chapter 7

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Quick Author's note: thank you for the 2k reads.

Third Person's POV

"We can't remain spectators! Playmaker, Blue Angel and Neon are fighting the Knights of Hanoi!" Hatsune hears Naoki telling Yusaku who seems unbothered by this "The Duel Club is on break; but as duelist we should-"

"Don't do it" Yusaku cuts him off.

"Why not?" Naoki questions

"Three reasons; One: There's now a website for the removal program, so there are fewer Anothers; Two: You have no plan, so you'll get burned; and Three: Deep down inside, you're scared" Yusaku explains which Naoki seems offended hearing the third reason.

But what got Hatsune's attention is a simple detail 'Yusaku makes three remarks just like Playmaker, the suspicious of him being Playmaker makes more sense, not to mention they have the same handsome face' Hatsune thinks 'Wait did I just called his face handsome?' he questions while blushing before getting bumped by Naoki as Hatsune falls on the ground.

Naoki looks at Hatsune apologetically "Sorry, Momoi!" he apologized as he runs out of the classroom.

Hatsune sits up "well at least he apologized unlike the bullies from my previous school" he mutters before noticing a hand in front of him he looks up and see Yusaku looking down at him with a expressionless expression.

"Are you okay?" he asked bluntly.

Even if Yusaku lacks on showing facial expressions, Hatsune can tell Yusaku's concern by looking at his emerald green eyes

Hatsune takes his hand "I'm fine" he responds before getting up with Yusaku's help "I didn't break a bone, so I'll be okay" he said before making his leave, but Yusaku stops him; Hatsune looks over at Yusaku "Fujiki?" he asked.

"Please, I need to talk to you" Yusaku tells Hatsune.

'Looks like smoothie Wednesday with Koro will have to wait, Sorry Koro' he apologized mentally.

"Hey Hatsu, are you-" he hears Kokoro calling his friend which he sees Hatsune and Yusaku "Sorry for the intrusion" he apologized before leaving.

"Tanoshimu, wait, I need to talk to you too" Yusaku said which Kokoro stops before turning back and walks in the classroom.

"So what you want to talk about?" Kokoro asked.

"I find hard to identify Both Escape and Neon's identities, so I used the old fashion way, and-"

"you've figured that we're Neon and Escape" Kokoro cuts Yusaku off "We'd figured you would found out" he confesses.

Yusaku sighs "I need to know... do you-" he asked but this time Hatsune cuts him off.

"Know that you're Playmaker, in my duel with Genome I was honestly bluffing just to get him to duel me, and you want to know how I figured out?" he asks back which Yusaku nods "of one detail that you do as both Yusaku and Playmaker...counting three remarks and..." he explains before looking away with a small blush "your voices sound the same" he adds since he doesn't want to tell Yusaku that they both had the same handsome face which he would embarrass himself even more and Kokoro would make fun of him for it.

Kokoro sees this "well, bestie, we have some smoothies to catch up, see you in LINK VRAINS if we have the chance, Fujiki!" he said dragging a blushing messy Hatsune leaving Yusaku dumbfounded.

-time skip-

Neon and Escape entered LINK VRAINS at the same time as Playmaker as they landed next to a tall guy who wears a mecha themed outfit.

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