CH. 16

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The attack force froze, them witnessing the battle unfold in front of them. The mages were stunned, witnessing that Sung Jinwoo can summon more than one shadow.

Everything was any normal battle until.

Arise” Sung Jinwoo stated, his voice making the orc in front of him widen its eyes, realisation hit him, since he was too focused on what his goddess’s prophecy, he forgot about the other prophecy.

What the?!” Kargalgan yelled in disbelief “Turning my warriors into the undead!?” He added, still not believing what he's witnessing at the very moment.

“There are still a lot of you left” Jinwoo said, cracking his knuckles, “but they'll soon then turn into my shadows” he smirked.

Can it be?” Kargalgan shifted on to his throne, leaning forward as he suddenly felt fear crept up to him “is he? The….”


“When the magician loses its guards” Sung Jinwoo paused, as Kargalgan looked up and saw his guards– or now Jinwoo’s shadow, standing behind Jinwoo, looking down at the orc. “There's no chance for a magician to win” he stopped there.

There's no way” Kargalgan whispered “There's no way that this body of mine would crumble” he added “no, THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN! THE HOLY PRIESTESS GAVE ME A PART OF HER MAGIC–” then Kargalgan was cut off by a voice he remembered 6 years ago.

Enough to conjure your men 

There Kargalgan realised that, even with the blessing their priestess gave them, it is still wasn't enough. There Kargalgan knew its fate was already sealed ever since Kargalgan started breathing the air in their world.

being one with the shadow, and be part of your enemy's army” 

No” he whispered, in denial that all that he worked for was pointless.

“Are you done crying?” Sung Jinwoo asked.

AARSHIYA! HEED MY CALL OUR GODDESS OF LIFE! I ask for you!” It screamed at the top of its lungs, using the monsters' language.

There, Sung Jinwoo’s eyes widened as Kargalgan spat out the name that keeps on bothering him for quite some time now.

“Aarshiya?” He stated, under his breath, freezing at the mention of that name. It affected him in some way, but he didn't know why it affected him so aggressively rough, as if some force hit him mentally.

Cha Hae-In watched the scene unfold before her eyes, Woo Jin-Chul also couldn't believe it as well, yet he tried to act cool.

“What do you know about Aarshiya?” Jinwoo asked.

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