CH. 14

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I sat there, beside my mom's bed, watching her as if she's going to open her eyes any time now. I pursed my lips as I just watched her.

'I'll save you, I promise' I thought, glancing at her as I closed my eyes to think for a bit.

As soon as I opened them, I was in a different place, 'huh? It's been a while since I've been in her vision, not to mention we haven't talked much for a while'

Ieri was in one of the meetings-- I heard it's the Federal Bureau of Hunters, an organisation in America.

I was quite taken aback when she was in the room with the National level S rank hunters, as well as with the director of the Bureau and some are also high positioned people that are part of the American government. 'is she also part of the National Hunter's Association? Probably a National Level S-rank aswell? If so, how come she's not in the list?' I asked myself.

Even though I'm not that updated with all of the hunter's status, I knew who the National Level Hunters are.

"I've already agreed with your terms and allowed you to use me. Though I suggest you use me with caution, healing isn't the only ability that I have" Ieri stated. 'use? What does she mean by that?'

"If you already agreed then, why not try it with me~?" One of the men in the room suggested, I believe his name is Christopher Reid.

"If I were you, I would watch my mouth and wouldn't get cocky that quick" Liu Zhigang, China's National S-rank hunter said as his translator, translated the words he just said, smirking as he leaned on his chair.

"Like I said, I prefer if we do this with caution, buffing your abilities is only one of the many supporting abilities that I have, one might interfere during the process and might kill you" she said. "We've already done the test yesterday, and I believe one of you almost died and is still unconscious after I transferred some of my buffing abilities in their system" she said, looking at the blank seat in the room.

"How come your abilities affect him that much? Are you sure you didn't do anything shady with Bachchan?" Reid teased.

"I've only transferred at least a small amount of my power to Siddharth, if we're going to measure it physically, probably half an inch of my power made his body collapse. '' she explained "if you're that eager to try my buff, why didn't you volunteer? I'm to oblige and cooperate with you~" She asked him, which made Reid shut up, even if she stated it calmly, I can feel the venom that lingered in her voice.

'half an inch? Just how powerful are you?' I'm starting to ask myself about her abilities, how come she's always drained when it's related to me, and when it comes to others, her mana is far larger. 'Was it the connection?'

I sighed, guilt taking over me as I was now convinced that the source of her suffering is me, I slouched.

Everyone in the room fell silent, some were looking at each other, some-- why weren't they looking at her? Wait no, they're... Avoiding having eye contact with her' The atmosphere in the room seemed to be heavy.

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