CH. 4

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LONDON.. _| <

She woke up feeling new, upon opening her eyes, a familiar ceiling came into view, she looked around and saw that she was in a hospital room, she sat up, confused as to where she is, she just sat there dumbfounded, she knew she was in the hospital, she just didn't know why go this far.

Then the door opened, revealing Peter,  "you're awake" He said, relief taking over him, he approached his boss, then he was about pushing the button that was on top of the head board of her bed, to call a nurse, but Ieri stopped him from doing so.

"No need for that, I'm well" She smiled.
"Also, why go this far? As far as I can remember, when I got injured, I told you to just put me in my room? " She asked him, genuinely curious as to why she was put in the hospital.

"Your heart stopped beating" Peter paused, Ieri's eyes widden, "I didn't know what to do, so I immediately called an ambulance and rushed you to your hospital" He added, clearly terrified, even if he hide it and didn't show it, Ieri can read him like an open book.

She sighed "I'm okay now don't worry.. I think I know the reason why that happened to me" She said, catching Peter's attention.

"May I ask what is the reason you experienced such terrifying experience?" He said trying to lighten up the mood.

She laughed a bit " stop that, you sound so formally victorian" She stated, grinning at him.

"Well I suppose I am" He smiled back, as it was silent again, him waiting for her to explain what happened.

"I don't know if I can elaborate" Ieri said, still confused at the memories she obtained 6 years ago. Till now everything was still a mystery, I mean she do know what it is, yet she still didn't why this was happening to her, all she knew is that there will be a war, she will be the one one guiding his successor and all. She pouted at the thought of her being a support to buff on person in a battle field, as if she's going in to a battle field.

"It's alright, don't force yourself, as long as you're alright, and breathing, that's enough answer to me" Ieri looked at Peter, seeing him smiling softly at him, which comfort her and made her feel warm, he pat her on the head.

She nodded as she looked down "thank you" She said, smiling at the moment, she was thankful to have  a brother figure and a guardian like Peter, if not, her and her brother are both dead.

"Peter can I ask you something?" Ieri started as he hummed in response asking her to go ahead and ask away. "Well, I'm just curious as to why you decided to become my assistant when you have a company of your own?" She asked.

Peter chuckled, since those questions made her think as well. "Well, let's just say that I got tired on leading something, and besides, I don't mind assisting you" He assured. "And noticed that you're not having trouble leading?" Now it's his turn to ask.

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