"...Miss Adams...it's been a while." He spoke. His voice exuded authority, and yet he didn't sound overly harsh or threatening. Now that he'd talked, Olwen was starting to recall their interaction a little better.

"I suppose your beta informed you that I was here...." Olwen said, keeping a respectable distance from him.

Alpha Landon blinked, chuckled-perhaps in an attempt to put her at ease-and then shook his head.

"On the contrary...I sent him to speak with you."

Olwen stared in surprise-but then again she shouldn't have been.

"Really? I doubted any wolves from the other packs would remember me since I've barely been to events outside of the Silver Arrow Pack."

In hindsight, I should have seen this as a sign that I wasn't going to be taken seriously as the Luna. She thought to herself.

An expression passed through Alpha Landon's face before he nodded slowly.

"I suppose you could say you made quite the impression on me even though we only talked for a brief moment."

Flattered, Olwen dipped her head.

"Thank you."

A period of awkward silence ensued before she broke it.

"I take it that Beta Elijah told you what happened to me, and how I ended up here as a rogue."

"He did." Alpha Landon took a single step towards her. In his human form, he was still a head taller than her, but the expression on his face was sympathetic.

"I am sorry for what transpired within the Silver Arrow Pack. What Aaron and his father did to you was not right."

"I've come to terms with it, in my own way." Olwen assured him, managing a small shrug. "I should have known that they would never accept an omega as the Luna."

Alpha Landon frowned at this - if she didn't know any better, he looked almost defensive.

"Being an omega shouldn't define your lifelong abilities."

Olwen smiled sadly.

"Tell that to the stronger and more capable she-wolf that Aaron and Alpha Bradley replaced me with. Kylie Paxton."

"The she-wolf who broke up with her mate in the Snow Fang Pack?" Landon asked, tilting his head. "I've heard word of the incident."

"Yes...I felt bad for her after she was rejected by her mate...so I looked out for her and reached out to her like a sister when I was still in the Silver Arrow Pack." Olwen shook her head. "I just never thought that she would-"

"Hold on." The man interrupted, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Did you just say that Kylie was rejected by her mate?"


"I met with the Alpha from the Snow Fang Pack a few weeks ago. He said that Kylie was the one who carried out the rejection."

Olwen suddenly felt as if a cold bucket of water had been dumped on her.


"Alpha Maxwell is good friends with her former mate, Oliver. He said that Oliver has been distraught ever since it happened. Apparently, he was awoken one night to find that Kylie had packed her things. She gave him no warning and no explanation, just rejected him and left."

Upon hearing this, Olwen had to sit down on the nearby rock to absorb this information.

If she had been told this four months ago, she would've defended Kylie without question, but now knowing what Kylie had done with Aaron behind her back...

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