"The party is being thrown by Kingsley High right?", she asks and Kayla nods. I know of Kingsley High. Their a quiet school so no one from our school really attends their parties; quite a shame since for a quiet school their parties are the exact opposite.

"No one from our school would go to that party", Quinn continues.

I look at Kayla and read the message in her eyes. Every party we've gone to, something has happened to Quinn.

But this is different. Quinn gets picked on by people in our school. If they won't be at the party, maybe she'll be safe.

Quinn turns to me with shining grey eyes and I give a noncommittal shrug.

"I'll think about it"

She nods like that is enough for her and slinks off with a faint smile.

Kayla grins. "I can't believe we went so long without knowing her."

"Yeah. Hard to believe she's in our grade too. She looks much younger" Actually that's not the right word - she looks small.

Something is niggling in the back of my mind, but I can't seem to remember it as Kayla and I stroll to her French class.

"Aaron told me that your lessons are... interesting"

"How would he know that?", I ask absently, still trying to determine what I must have forgotten.

"Well, his bestfriend is your tutor", she giggles. "Keon says that your classes are..."

"Shoot", I say as I remember. "Keon is supposed to tutor me in French today. I asked the teacher and everything."

I glance at my watch and note that I am 15 minutes late. If there is one thing I've learned from Keon, he hates lateness - or tardiness as he prefers to say.

The thought of that crisp British accent scolding me yet again makes me turn and run, waving hurriedly to Kayla as I make my way to the library where my strict tutor is waiting.


"Tu es en retard", Keon says coldly as I barge into the library where he is seated calmly.

"Did you just call me a retard?", I shoot at him, glaring through my hair which has managed to get itself untidily tangled and windblown.

"'Tu es en retard' means you are late in French", Keon tuts, his voice cold. I can't help but notice that when he spoke, his British accent was completely replaced by a French one.

It's attractive.

I shake my head with a shudder. When did I find anything about Keon attractive.

I look up to find his gray eyes on me.


This I understand and I draw out a chair to sit.

"The principal told me that you would be having a French oral test, so we'll be having our French sessions completely in French"

Completely in French?

"I can't speak French", I retort, glaring at him.

"Of course you can't", he mutters under his breath.

I don't say anything, instead I cross my arms and wait while he seems to be coming up with an alternate route.

"We're going to start with the basics first. Get a dictionary. And that textbook over there", he gestures to a shelf where all the French material is arranged and within seconds, I am back in my seat French dictionary in arm.

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