Second Plane Crash and Blending in the Circus

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Gloria: Hold on, Melman. OK? l'll get you down, sweetie.

Mort: Where is he? Must find King Julien. King Julien!

King Julien: (Singing) It's getting hot in here So take off all your fur I am getting so hot I want to take my fur off.

Christian: Skipper, what about the plane?

Skipper: Well, the chimps will work through the night. No breaks, no safety restrictions. [Then they see all the chimps (Except Mason and Phil) running away] Hey, where are you going? Get back here! We have a contract!

Mason: Yes. Well, I'm afraid labor laws are slightly more lenient in France. You see, they only have to work two weeks a year.

Skipper: Well, someone else has the Canadian work ethic!

Melman: But you penguins, you can still fix it, right? Right?

Alex: Yeah, yeah. You're a little crackerjack, can-do team.

Skipper: You want me to give it to you straight?

Alex: Yes! Yes! No. Bend it a little?

Skipper: Well, the plane's totaled. Kaput, blammo, busted!

Skipper: Never to fly again.

Gloria: So that's it? That's it then, we're never gonna get home?

Alex: No! We've got to get home! We can fix it! We'll fix it! Yeah, guys, come on, we'll fix it! [Tries to fix the super plane] You just start from the outside pieces, and you work your way in. And, yeah, perfect! Come on! Don't just stand there, guys. Marty! Drag that thingy over here. And we'll just attach it to this dealy-bob over here. And- [Parts fall apart]

Christian: Alex!

Alex: (Sighs) We're not going home. We're never going home.

Marty: [Hears the sirens from the distance] [Realized and Shocked] It's the fuzz!

Christian: Move!

Marty: What are we gonna do? We can't hide forever!

Gloria: And we can't just blend! You know this ain't Africa.

Thomas: Hey! At least we'll remember the Super Plane. With a powered generator.

Christian: I know, we shouldn't bring back a backup generator!

Thomas: Not important now!

Melman: Oh, what's the point? Tell me one conceivable way that extra-large animals like us are gonna be able to move through Europe without attracting unwanted attention.

[After what Melman said they see a car of the train. It is the Circus train]

 It is the Circus train]

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Alex: Hey...

[Without warning the doors open to reveal a vicious tiger.]


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