The Ultimate War: Manhattan Magic

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Yinn POV

(After recruiting Doom and all of Wakanda, I focused my efforts on the magical and supernaturals of this universe, standing before the Sanctum Sanctum Santorum of New York.
I walked up and knocked on the door, a man in robes opened. As I am aware of most things this didn't surprise me in the least)
"Strange has been expecting you,
Demon King. You may enter"
"Thank you for letting me in Wong"
(My eyes slightly opened wider as The Sorcerer Supreme levitate down to me)
"You have come here to ask for my aid in the fight against Thanos, as I'm aware of your universal awareness power..
You want Wong and my help to fight Thanos. But, I am no longer in possession of the time stone as Ebony Maw and I already battled and he has now already delivered it to Thanos"
(I shrugged and turned around)
"Well shit that sucks, oh well, I already knew that you knew I was coming I just wanted to be polite and knock like normal human beings do.
Although I am not human, I am the highest ranked fallen angel of my universe.. Plus my Multiverse"
"How will we be much help without the possession of an Infinity Stone?"
"Dude, your Doctor Strange.
The Sorcerer Supreme, how the hell would you not be the best of help?"
"Fair point, Demon. Where is everyone your gathering assembling at?"
"Well Strange, we are at the Avengers Mansion. But, I hope that I can rely on you to make sure to update me on when Thanos gets closer to Earth.. Well, this Earth anyway.. Tata for now friend"
(I took off back to Avengers Mansion and nodded to Strange when he arrived.
I sighed, knowing that having the next person on my list to recruit would be a little frightening. Using my universal awareness I sensed a normal looking citizen and greeted him already knowing full well what I was getting into, I rounded the corner of the street.
Sighing as I approached him"
"Hey, kid you need to get out of here-"
[Suddenly the citizen known as Johnny Blazes transformed, his firey eyes trying to peirce my soul]
"You, guilty"
"Yes, I know but don't try and use that menacing power of yours on me please-
Ack, God dammit!-"
(I grunted as he lifted me off the ground with one arm pinning me to the wall!)
"Johnny, control Zarathos!"
"You, you are.. guilty but innocent all at once. The penance stare isn't working..
Who are you?"
"My name is Yinn, I'm not from this universe, I am known as
The Demon King. I am here to recruit everyone I can for one cause.. To fight the ultimate war in saving so many innocents from abilteration.. I.. We need your help Jonathan Blaze"
"How do I know you won't chase nothing but problems like every other Demon I've had to kill?"
"Well.. You dont have to.. But despite our deferences, I just need to let you know that you can trust me.. This fight is unlike any other, if we don't have your help.. We could lose, you are a very heavy hitter in this and we need you Johnny.. We can't do this without the Rider.."
"You seem desperate.. If you betray me, I'll make sure your in Hell before you can even think to react"
"Trust me, I own my own Hell, well..
Purgatory/Hell already, I know what Eternal suffering can be like..
I'm going to have Doctor Strange open a portal to the Avengers Mansion, I need you to wait there for me, and all will be revealed in time okay?"
"You can't earn my trust that easily.
The Spirit Of Vengance is watching you"
"I know.. I know.. I will return"
(I opened a portal to Earth 616 Hell.
Walking up the steps directly to the throne itself. Standing before the current leader of Hell)
"Damien Hellstrom, ruler of-"
"Shut up, I don't have time for low life demons-"
"Well, your gonna have to be patient with me. I'm here to get your aid in a fight against one of the universes greatest threats"
"You come into my kingdom?
Talk over me, and tell me what I don't want to hear right now, are you kidding ME?!?!"
"Calm down hot head I need to tell you what-"
"Enough! Kneel before me or i'll!!"
"Damien, I said calm down!"
[Yinn snapped his fingers sending Damien flying backwards into his throne forcing him to sit down with the most powerful telekinesis he'd ever experienced]
"W-who are you?!"
"I already told you, I'M the Demon King.
Of my universe, I don't take kindly to young men yelling at me, or talking over me, as you were doing. This may be your Kingdom but I will not let you shout and disrespect me like this okay?"
"Fine, what did you come here for?"
"Thank you Damien, I came here to get your aid in a fight against one of this universes biggest threats.
The mad titan Thanos, is on his way to Earth already nearly collecting the six infinity stones. I'm assembling an army of the Multiverses best fighters, in an effort to stop Thanos, and kill him hopefully before this gets out of hand.
Will you aid mine, and so many other Earth's in this War, please.. Your highness?"
(He glared at me, clearly not used to being the less powerful one in his Hell)
"Yes.. I will, along with the rest of the Midnight Sons"
(I opened a portal back to Earth, after I went and gathered Morbuis from his lab, Werewolf By Night from his hometown, Jennifer Kale, and Man-Thing from his swamp.
Afterwards I leaped back into the sky taking off to Egypt once more to retrieve Moon Knight)
"Jake Lockley, as well as Marc Spector..
We need to talk"

I hope you all enjoyed this part of my Ultimate War Story, I really really love making these for you all and I know it's been a while since I released a part.
But I hope to get back to it as soon as possible, I'm still getting over the loss of my Boyfriend.. I love yall, see you next time 😘❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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