New Girl- Rachel Elizabeth Dare

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*Not a request, just writing abt my girl Rachel :3* 

For Y/N, she had moved around a lot. In her 16 years of life, she'd been to about 10 school, 5 different towns and cities. Moving was no problem to her, yet she soon realized moving to Camp Halfblood at 16 was a lot harder than moving to a new middle school. 

Throughout her life, she had also dealt with a lot of strange experiences. Things looking out of this world appearing in her backyard, or on her way home from school. That's usually when her and her mom would move, keeping their stuff packed in garbage bags and tattered backpacks to make a quick getaway. Except this time was different, Y/N shoved her stuff into the same bags, this time without her mom. That's when a satyr found her and bought her to camp, and the rest is history. 

She had only been at camp for two weeks but she still hadn't been claimed, and not belonging to one cabin was surprisingly lonely. The Hermes kids were disgruntled about having another unclaimed kid taking up space, so not many of them were too pleased with her. And for the most part, everybody had been there since they were kids. Everybody had their friends. Except Y/N. 

On one sunny Tuesday, she decided to take a walk by the lake. She didn't have any activities, n anybody to spend her free time, so she opted for exploring. On her way to the lake, she saw a large cave, that seemed to have music playing out of it. 

Y/N paused in her tracks, and turned her attention to the small cave. She had seen a lot of things during her short time at camp, but she assumed no monster would be listening to Billy Joel in a cave, so she went inside. 

  THe first thing she notice was that the walls were pained in bright colors, but not just solid colors, there were images of them. Pictures of battle or journeys, anda variety of people in the orange Camp Halfblood tees. Y/N ran her finger along the images, trying to decipher what they might mean. 

She moved deeper into the cave, where the music was getting louder, and saw a flurry of red hair dancing around, a paintbrush in hand. Y/N paused for a moment, debating on whether or not she should say something. Before she had the chance to decide, the person turned around and screamed. 

"AH! Jeez, who are you?", the girl shouted. 

Y/N held up her hands in surrender, "Sorry! I'm sorry, I-I heard music and was curious". 

The girl held a hand to her heart and took several very dramatic deep breaths while Y/N stood in front of her uncomfortably. 

"You never answered my question", the girl said finally, standing up to properly face Y/N. 

She had a thick mass of pretty, red, curly hair that popped nicely against her emerald green eyes and pale freckled skin. She was fairly tall and her jeans and t-shirt were stained with paint.

"Um. I'm Y/N, sorry I'll leave you alone", Y/N said awkwardly. Being around this girl was making her nervous, and not to mention she'd almost given her a heart attack. 

Before she could say anything, the girl ran and grabbed Y/N's wrist, "No, you can stay here. I'm done with this anyways, I'm Rachel". 

"Y/N". "You said that already". "Right" 

Rachel laughed and dragged Y/N back into the cave. In the back, she had a small box of CD's along with a CD player. There was a small bed with a thick blanket on it and a mirror in the far side of the cave. 

"Do you live here?", Y/N asked incredulously. 

"Yup", Rachel beamed, "Nice isn't it?". 

Y/n tilted her head in confusion, "Well, why don't you live in a cabin?".

"I'm not a demigod. I'm an oracle". 

When Y/n was silent, Rachel began to explain that she inhibited the oracle Delphi and now had prophetic visions every so often. 

"That's what the paintingS are, see?", Rachel, who had not let go of Y/N's wrist, moved her hand to gesture to the paintings. 

"Wow", y/n mused quietly. Rachel smiled brightly at her, which made Y/n smile back. She was beginning to like this girl a lot. 

Rachel finally let go of Y/N's wrist, which made Y/n for some reason miss the closeness, and plop down on her bed. 

"Enough about me, tell me about you now. What cabin are you from?". 

Y/N sighed, "Unclaimed. I just got here". 

Rachel raised an eyebrow, "How old are you New girl ?". 


"No way me too", Rachel clapped, then her face twisted into confusion again, "You just got here and you're 16?". 

Y/N launched into the story of her life essentially. How she moved often, and spent her whole life seeing weird things, and had apparently moved enough to avoid any satyrs finding her. When she got to how her satyr finally found her, she choked up and looked at the ground. 

"Hey", Rachel moved to sit closer, "What's wrong?". 

Y/N couldn't help it, tears spilled rapidly down her cheeks and she hid her face in her hands. She felt Rachel pull Y/N into her arms while the girl cried. 

"My mom died, that's how the satyr found me. We finally stopped moving", Y/N sniffed, "And I've been here for two weeks. Alone. And it's just really hard". 

Rachel rested her cheek on Y/N's head while she rubbed her back soothingly, "I'm sorry, really. That sucks. But guess what?".

Y/N mumbled out a what, resting more comfortably into Rachel. 

"We're friends now! So you're not alone anymore". 

Y/N laughed and wiped her face, looking up at Rachel, "Thanks". 

"Anytime new girl. Now, any music requests?". 

Y/n thought for a moment,"Do you have Queen?". 

"Oh", Rachel laughed, "I have Queen". 

She popped a CD into the player and began to dance around, grabbing Y/N's hands and pulling her to dance too. 

Y/N decided that day that maybe camp wasn't so bad . 


Have this little imagine I'm writing from my bus. I'm almost at my stop so no questions this chapter lol. Love you guys as always, tysm for reading. 



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