Nightmares- Percy Jackson

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* YAYY a new request!! Tysm @Malwritesstories hope you love it! 

When a new Halfblood comes to camp, it's always very exciting. Everyone waiting around and watching them to see who claims them. However, it's almost always the same thing. 

Some satry brings a kid to Halfblood hill and that's that. This time however, news of a new camper was a bit different. 

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N", Apollo counselor Lee Fletcher shouted, running into the infirmary. 

Y/N glanced up from the thing she had been drawing to look at her brother, "What happened? Did Clarisse attack a kid again?". 

Lee shook his head fiercely, "There's a new Halfblood called Percy, apparently he killed the Minotaur* 

That was enough to have Y/N up and running, Lee dragging a wheelchair behind her. 

When they made it to the top of Halfblood hill, the satyr Grover, Chiron, and Annabeth were all hovered over a limp blonde boy. 

"Everybody watch out!", Y/N shouted, as her and Lee lifted Percy onto the wheelchair and rushed him down Halfblood hill. 

"He killed the Minotaur", Annabeth breathed, running after Y/N, "Maybe he's the one. I need to-". 

Y/N let Lee take the wheelchair as she placed a hand on Annabeth's arm, "You need to let us keep him alive long enough to find out if he's the one Annie. I'll call you in when he's fully recovered. 

Annabeth looked at Y/n like she was going to protest, but one look into the Apollo daughter's eyes and she knew better than to say anything. 

By the time Y/N caught up with Lee, he had brought Percy into the infirmary, and was working on laying him in one of the beds. 

"Get some ambrosia", Y/N ordered, "Fast". 

They did all they could to help Percy while he was unconscious. Y/n using her abilities to heal him, until it appeared all his wounds had faded, and he was simply having a deep sleep. 

She didn't want to leave him alone, and she didn't want to call Annabeth back in either, so she just sat in the bed across from him and watched him. 

Lee poked his head into the door, "Is he good?". 

"Seems to be". 

"So you're just gonna sit here and stare at him?". 

Y/n shot a glare at her brother and he backed away slowly, leaving her alone in the room with Percy. 

Now that he wasn't all limp and beat up, Y/N realized that he was actually kind of cute. 

He had light blonde hair that fell over his forehead and bright blue eyes, for a moment he looked so peaceful lying there, that Y/n smiled softly at him. Then his eyebrows knitted together, and he appeared to be muttering something. 

"No please", she heard him mutter, "Please don't". 

Y/N stood up, ready to have to use her abilities to heal him again. Demigod dreams were always strange, but Percy appeared in distress, in pain. 

Before she could do anything, he jolted awake in the bed, breathing heavily with some tears streaking his red face. 

Y/N made her way over and sat at the foot of his bed. 

He didn't look up at her, continuing to hyperventilate until she laid her hand on his knee. Then he looked up at the girl who was staring at him with a worried gaze. 

"Who- what. Who are you? And Where am i?", he breathed. 

His breathing still had not calmed down, in fact he appeared to have gotten worse. 

Y/N put both hands up and inched closer to Percy, before placing her hands on his shoulder, "You have to breathe first". 

To her surprise he listened to her, allow her to hold his arms and guide his breathing. Once he had stopped hyperventilating, tears began to flow me freely. He hurriedly tried to wipe them away, but Y/n bought him into a hug before he could do so. 

Percy let his head fall onto her shoulder as she held him. 

"I'm Y/N L/N. Daughter of Apollo, you're at Camp Halfblood", she whispered soothingly. 

She chose to leave out the part about the Minotaur, figuring he didn't need any more added stress. 

"I'm Percy Jackson", he said into her shoulder. 

"It's nice to meet you Percy, now I know you probably have a million questions, but you really should go back to sleep", she explained, rubbing his back. 

He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes, Y/N felt her heartbeat quicken under his stare. 

"Apollo's the god of Music right?", he asked. Y/N just nodded. 

"Can you- never mind", he started. 

"What! No, tell me. What's wrong", she protested. 

"It's kind of embarrassing". 

"I promise you I've heard it all here".

Percy looked down, "Can you sing to me? It would just help me sleep". 

Y/N smiled at him fondly, "Of Course". 

She went to sit back in the bed across from him, but Percy pulled her arm back down. He looked at her then at his hand holding her, as if he was surprised by his own actions.

"You can stay here. If you want, if it's not too much to ask", he whispered. 

She sunk down into the bed beside him and began to sing to him softly in Greek until he fell asleep with his head resting against  her shoulder. 

Later, Annabeth ran into the infirmary with Lee behind her telling her to wait. Upon entering she saw her friend and the new kid fast asleep curled up next to each other and glanced up at Lee, "I guess I'll come back later". 


Hey hey hey!! This one was a shorter imagine but was such a super cute request and sm fun to write! I really hope you all loved it bc I know I did. As always lmk what you thought and if you have any requests! Feel free to pm or just comment lol. Love you all and for our questions of the day... 

Favorite character?

For me it's defrost Grover which is why it's s crime that I haven't done any imagines for him.. Imma get on that soon. 

Anyways love you guys have the best day!

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