I am wearing robes after five long years

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[Celestine's POV] 

I am wearing robes after five long years. I remember the first time I wore my Hogwarts robe and danced in glee around the shop only to be scolded by my mother. The first time I wore my dress robe to the Yule ball. The first time he tore off the robe. The first time I discarded it to live a muggle life. I am a weak woman. I have already accepted the fact that I am weak. I have always been a puppet in a man's hand—my father, brother and Tom. 

I never questioned these men. They pulled my strings and I danced to these pulls. I feared them. I feared that my own father would cast me out of the family. I feared that my brother would hit me. I feared that Tom would never love me, even in the twisted way he does.

Yet, five years ago, for the very first time, Celestine Bell defied these men. She left them. She ran as fast as she could to protect the little thing she had inside her stomach. She did not want that little thing to be attached by strings of the cursed blood she had. She wanted her baby to live a happy life. She was still running when her baby was born. She had become slow as time progressed, but she could not stop. Yet, I could not give Amelia the life she deserved. 

Today, though I bumped into a big barrier and could not run. I have to face what I was running away from, today. I have always been weak and naive. I feared things which never existed. My father saw me as a means to increase connections, power and influence. He would have sold me once I came of age. My brother saw me as a competitor for inheritance. How stupid was he! As if the father would ever give his wealth to me. Tom, I was scared of not receiving love from a person who did not even exist. He was always Voldemort. The ruler, the emperor, the feared, the protector of wizarding kind.

How stupid I was!

The only good thing that happened to me was Amelia. I need to protect her. 

Now, I know, nothing good will ever come from running away from my problems.

I am going to be strong this time.

I will fight for Amelia.

I will fight for myself.

I will fight for justice.

Even if I die, I will die gracefully. I refuse to die as a coward. I refuse to be weak. I refuse to be a mere puppet in the hands of those men.

If Lord Voldemort is the villain in my life, then I am going to be the villainess in his life.

He might throw me into Azkaban. He might order the Dementor's kiss on me. He might execute me. He might publicly shame me. But until the last moment, I am going to be a pain in his ass. I am going to break him the same way he broke me. I am not going to give up ever. 

I looked down from the stairs. The guards were standing behind Tom. Amelia was in Mrs. Robinson's arms. She looked terrified. Mental note to myself, do not make Amelia as weak as I am or was.

Hog stood at the corner trembling. He must be thinking that I am the emperor's past mistress or something. 

"Ms. let's go" the female attendant was guiding me towards Tom.

I suddenly stopped.

"Any things the matter Ms.?"  

"Yes, I need to take care of something before I go. Mrs. Robinson, would you please consider closing Amelia and Jax's eyes?"

"Yes-s" she stuttered.

I threw a muffliato charm silently over the three.

I walked to Hog and smiled in a sweetly sarcastic way.

"Ms B-Bell," he said with nervousness evident on his face. 

"Mr. Hog thank you for letting us stay here. If not for you I am sure we would have frozen and starved to death. I will be sure to put some good words about you to the wizarding world."

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