Chapter 8 - 'You're not my friend'

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Thursday of that same week


"Let me get this straight, you locked her in a dark room, she's afraid of the dark but you had no idea and yet after finding out you didn't say sorry" The girl paced around the room

"That sums it up pretty well" Jackson nodded

"So you didn't apologize" She had a confused look on her face as she crossed her arms

"No" The green eyed boy shook his head

"Why on earth would you not apologize? And please don't tell me it's because she had a bad attitude because I will kill you with my bare hands" She was mad, very mad, and seemed to want to throw a rock at Jackson

Jackson thought twice about answering, his sister would attempt to his life if he did say something stupid. Although anything he could say would probably be used against him.

His sister had a three day break from school and their grandmother preferred she stayed with Jackson than alone, despite her being almost 15.

"Because I don't regret it Isa" Well that was probably the stupidest reply he could've given Isabella

"It's not about regretting it or not, it's about accepting you did something wrong" She shook her head in disapproval

"But I told her I did something wrong" Jackson sat down on the counter of the small kitchen

"So why didn't you apologize, you were already halfway through the apology all you had to say was sorry!" She groaned

"Because I didn't regret it so my apology wouldn't mean anything, it would be a lie" No, THAT was the worst thing he could've said to his sister

"I am literally done listening to your bullshit. Seriously man, it's three simple words: I am sorry" As she said the words, Isabella took off her hearing aids and set them on the counter where her brother was sitting

"But I still told her that I knew I did wrong and it wouldn't happen again" He got off the counter to face his sister for her to see him sign

The only person in the household that hadn't learnt sign language was their grandmother, she knew a few words but could barely form three full sentences

"Jesus Jack, your problem is not even admitting you did something wrong. It's just saying three words: I am sorry. If it makes someone else feel better why not just say it? It won't kill you" Isabella was signing with more energy she usually used, it was like she was yelling at him

Jackson stared at her with a confused look. He was really trying to figure out why he had to say sorry in order to apologize, wasn't accepting what he'd done wrong enough?

"Tell me you're sorry" Isabella sighed as she signed

"But for what?" Now that was confusing

"For being the most insufferable big brother this earth has ever known"

"Fine. I'm sorry for making your life miserable" Jackson signed reluctantly

"See, it's not so bad. You told me you were sorry, I felt better and you're still breathing" Isabella gave him a smile

"It doesn't bother me, but it's a lie"

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