What the...

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I woke up to my alarm blazing and moved quickly to shut it off. I didn't want to wake up Marcus as I didn't know what time he actually needed to be up.

I placed the phone down and looked to his side of the bed only to find it empty

"Fuck. I should say I told you so" I mumbled angrily and kicked the blanket off my feet.

I was about to make my way to the bathroom when I noticed there was a note left on my bedside table.

I let Samantha know that you won't be in today, or there for the rest of the week. We will push back the opening to make sure you're well rested and ready. Message me when you get up.

I knew I should be happy with the fact that he left me a note but the whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth.

So he spends the night here and then decides to run to his girlfriend.

Maybe he's going there to break it off? Well that will make for an awkward work relationship.

What is he doing to tell her?

I decided there was only one way I would find out.

I wasn't going to sit in bed and wallow in the fact that someone tried to kill me. We knew it was his deranged ex and Monroe would have surely picked her up by now.

I wasn't going to give anyone the power to keep me cooped up in my house. I had a clinic to run and was actually excited for the possibilities.

With all the resources Marcus put into it, I knew we would be able to make some breakthroughs and help a ton of people.

I got dressed quickly and decided to take a cab instead of the driver. I knew Marcus would complain but I didn't want to hear his scolding. He said I needed to take the car until they found the person who was responsible and that's what happened.

I checked myself over and went on my way. As I approached the clinic my stomach was in knots. I wasn't sure what kind of reaction I was going to have returning there but knew that I needed to rip off the bandaid.

The parking lot was surprisingly quiet and I saw that both Samantha's and Marcus's cars were there.

If there was an accident that happened here there sure was no sign of it.

I assumed things would have been taped off and areas sealed off for their investigation, instead everything looked like it did before minus the bench.

I texted the security guard and asked for him to let me in and was pleasantly surprised when I didn't have to way too long.

"That was quick" I smiled at the older gentleman that worked the early morning shift.

"Not much happening today, not after the excitement from yesterday. Glad you're ok doc" he gave my shoulder a squeeze and went on his way.

I thanked him kindly and made my way to the office to drop off my things.

No one was here today and I made a mental note to make up the new hires schedules. I met with a bunch of employees yesterday and I knew they were probably as eager to start as I was.

I decided that would be my task for the day and, as much as I didn't like it, I would need Samantha's help for this one.

I decided to get it over with and find her. I knew that I was going to get it from Marcus too so might as well face the music and get that out of the way.

He would need to understand that I had my own thoughts and feelings and that, although his heart was in the right place, if this was going to work he needed to respect my boundaries.

I figured they would be in the boardroom and made my way up the stairs.

I could hear their voices as I got closer and was happy that I wouldn't have to spend more time searching for them.

I opened the door to greet them and was stopped in my tracks.

The last thing I expected to see was Samantha and Marcus embraced in a tight hug.

As if caught with their hands in a cookie jar, both stepped back and said my name in unison.

"Fuck you marcus! Fuck you samantha. Fuck you both" I kept my voice even as I could, No point in shouting like a lunatic.

I set myself up for hurt and this is what I got. This was my fault really. I knew and yet I chose to believe that there would be a different outcome. 

Before either of them could answer, I backed out of the board room and closed the door.

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