New friend

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I finished the day at the clinic and made a mental note to bring a few things into the office to make it more me. It was a nice office but it seemed too sterile. If I was going to spend most of my life here, I needed it to feel like me.

I shut my office lights off and proceeded towards the exit of the building when I realized that I didn't have a way to lock it. Panicking, I looked around for someone to help. When I couldn't find anyone I grumbled to myself and opened my phone.

A: how do I lock up?

M: you're still there?

A: yes. Was about to leave, but don't know how to lock up.....

M: 628-535-5555. That's security's number. They are there 24/7. Let them know you're leaving and they'll see you out. How are you getting home?

I closed out of his message and called security. Two minutes later a young gentleman greeted me at the door with the biggest smile.

"Hi. You must be dr.kolinski. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Ryan, I do the evening shift here for the time being" he reached out his hand and shook mine enthusiastically. I couldn't help but to smile back. He had the cutest dimples and sparkling blue eyes that you could get lost in.

He nervously pulled his hand back and ran it through his wavy blond hair.

"How are you getting home, if you don't mind me asking," he scanned the parking lot and looked back at me, "I don't see a car or a ride waiting for you"

I practically did a face palm. It also explained why Marcus was asking me about transportation. He must have seen that I didn't bring my car.

"I forgot to call a cab, ugh, I'm used to driving to and from work. It's been a long day" I pulled out my phone and called the cab company. I was told it would be twenty minutes before I would be picked up.

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to sit in one of the waiting room chairs. Ryan followed and sat a couple of spots away.

"Want some company?" He asked after he got himself comfortable.

"Do I have a choice?" I laughed to make sure he knew I was joking. I didn't mind the company and he seemed like he was a lot of fun "so why did you say for the time being?"

He seemed confused at my question but quickly caught up "oh, me working here for the time being? Well, being an evening security guard isn't exactly my career aspiration. Don't get me wrong, it's a great job and I'm lucky to have it but I'm currently in law school. Working here has great benefits, perfect hours, and, most importantly , peace and quiet to study."

"Are you going to stay on when it opens? It won't always be this quiet" I found myself secretly hoping he was going to say yes.

"Yeah. I won't be the only person on. We were told additional staff would be hired and it's not like I have a better option. It pays well and I need to work. I have one more year before I do my internship, and my scholarship only gets me so far" I did the math in my head. Graduated high school at Eighteen or nineteen. Bachelors degree...four years......three additional years until internship and he's done two. So he's twenty five or twenty six. Few years younger then me and still figuring life out. I was slightly disappointed and scolded myself internally. He works here and I can't date him!

My eyes caught a glare from the parking lot and realized my cab arrived.

"Well, there's my ride" I stood up facing him, "so you're here...Monday to Fridays?...weekends?"

"Rotating schedule. It changes week by week, but now that you've met me and realized how amazing I am and how you can't wait to see me again, I'll make sure to pick up extra shifts. Wouldn't want to cause you any stress"  he stood up and slightly nudged my shoulder with his.

I found myself blushing and was at a loss for words.

"Calm down. You're ok at best...I'm sure I can survive just fine until I see you again"' I rolled my eyes over dramatically and felt like I was in high school again. 

"You say that now, but once you walk out those doors you'll miss me immediately. Don't say I didn't warn you" I gave him one last smile and walked out to the cab. For the first time in weeks, my walk felt lighter and I felt genuinely happy.

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