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Ana's POV

The day went by quicker and a lot better than I thought it would. I knew I had to spend my first day alone with Samantha and would need to have an actual conversations with her at some point in time.

I tried to keep each interaction to a minimum but could sense that she wanted us  to to get to know each other. I considered and plotted ways I could offload her to someone or somewhere else.

Marcus had numerous offices in different cities all over the world. She could be useful at any of the locations there.

Once I felt comfortable enough to run this place myself, I will tell Marcus she needs to leave. As he put it earlier, I needed to build my team, and she wasn't my choice for the task she was assigned to. If he wanted to make it work, that would be the deal breaker. I want people I can trust and rely on.

With a new sense of purpose I turned off my computer and began getting ready to leave.

"Ana" a soft voice startled me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Samantha standing at my door. She waited expectantly until I sighed and motioned her to come in. "Sorry, I know you were leaving but I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to grab a drink, or coffee...." She stopped mid sentence and took in a deep breath, "look, I get a feeling that you don't like me very much. You haven't taken any time or initiative  to get to know me and that's what today meant was for. I know you've been through a lot and maybe you don't trust new people that want to get to know you..."

Feeling my blood boil I raised my hand up to stop her from speaking further.

"You don't know a damn thing about me so don't make assumptions about my state of mind. Maybe the problem here is you and not me? And I'll pass on that drink". I grabbed my purse and stormed out of my office.  I was so angry I couldn't think straight. I took in a small breath and decided I needed to get some fresh air.

I stepped outside and looked around the near empty parking lot. I froze when I heard the door open behind me and waited for Samantha to approach me. I assumed she would be brazen enough to follow me out and thought of ways I could send her on her way. I didn't want to continue our conversation as I was already exhausted.

When I heard the footsteps walk away from my direction I breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards a small bench that had been placed near the sidewalk and the buildings green space.

I sat down, took out my phone and message my driver. I figured I had a good 20 minutes before he showed up and began to rummage through my purse for that granola bar I threw in there earlier.

I wasn't paying attention when everything happened all at once.

I heard the sound of tires screeching and an engine revving.

I felt strong hands pull my body towards them as the vehicle slammed into the bench taking it off the concrete and pushing it back a few metres.

As the vehicle backed up the bumper fell off and it sped away onto the Main Street. I heard a man shout directions and the clinics address into his phone and when he was finished, leaned down and cradled my face in his hands.

"Are you ok? Did you get hit anywhere" I sat still and blinked a few times, still trying to register what happened. As my mind slowly caught up to the events that just transpired, I tried to get up off the ground. I was sitting uncomfortably and my leg was falling asleep.

As I stood up I lost my footing and ended up in his arms again.

I know I was almost run over. But in that moment I wasn't thinking about that. I concentrated on his smell and the way his strong arms held onto me.

I felt safe.

"Ana, Ana, can you answer me? Are you ok?" He stared down at me and waited for an answer.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm good. What the hell was that?" I was aware that I was now shaking involuntary.

He didn't speak and just held me. I was almost sad when The moment was broken by his phone ringing.

2 seconds later he passed me his phone "Marcus wants to talk to you" he stared at me, his blue eyes filled with worry.

I took the phone and heard the sirens approach from the distance.

Ryan let me go and took a step back Giving me space to talk to Marcus.

I didn't want space. I wanted him to hold me again.

I couldn't stop shaking and needed comfort. I heard my name being called, repeatedly, and it took me a moment to realize it was coming from the phone speaker.

"Hello" I brought the phone to my ear.

"Ana, don't leave. Don't move. I'm on my way"

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