Guilty feelings.

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It seemed like hours but I was finally done speaking to the police. Marcus arrived and insisted that I was taken to the hospital, by an ambulance, even though I told him I was fine. He scoffed at my response and went on about me being in shock and not knowing if I was hurt or not.

As I was getting loaded onto the ambulance, I searched for Ryan and saw him speaking to the officers. I noticed the the look of worry on his face and tried to give him a reassuring smile before I was taken away.

As predicted, I was to totally fine and gave Marcus the "I told you so speech". He still wasn't having it and insisted he was right. 

While there, Marcus hovered over me the whole time and seemed like he was eaten up with worry. I found myself trying to calm him down as I was scared he was going to have a medical episode himself. I didn't know why, but I was enjoying the attention he was giving me and felt a warmth spread through me. I let my self believe, if only for a little while, that we were together and he was someone who cared deeply for me.

I looked up and saw him looking at me with his eyebrow cocked. I blushed and hoped he didn't pick up on what I was feeling. 

"I'm fine. For the hundredth time, I'm ok" I redirected my thoughts and smiled at him as I signed my discharge papers.

"Ok" I heard him exhale loudly finally before submitting to defeat. "I'm going to drive you home. Detective Monroe will be stopping by later tonight to talk to us"

I figured she would want to discuss what happened and was quite shocked that she didn't show up at the hospital. I responded with a simple nod before I realized he said us.

Satisfied with my response, Marcus placed his hand on my lower back and started escorting me to the parking lot where his driver was waiting. As he did, I felt my stomach begin to flutter. I tried to sneak a glance and saw him smirking as he caught me. I decided to look away for the rest of the walk and felt relieved as we approached the vehicle. He opened the car door for me and walked around, letting himself in on the other side.

As soon as the car was moving Marcus opened his phone and sent off a few messages. I wasn't sure who he was talking to and scolded myself for attempting to sneak a peek. A pang of jealousy hit me when I thought of Samantha and figure he was probably texting to her.

I leaned back into the seat and found myself going back into my thoughts. Only after clearing his throat a few times, my attention was brought  back to him. I knew he sensed a change in the air and felt my mood dampen.

"I'm getting a few things brought over to your apartment. I'm just texting my doorman to let my assistant in" he pointed to his phone screen giving me a clear view. I found myself blushing for the second time today. It's as if he knew and wanted to put my fears to rest.  I gave him another nod and smiled inwardly. I knew it was stupid to care, but when I was around him I couldn't help it.

"You have your doorman's number?" I decided to tease him to lighten the mood.

"You don't?" He asked back smirking.

"I have a doorman?" I was actually surprised. I never noticed one and I was quite observant.

"No" he smirked again.

We approached the apartment and were dropped off by the front entrance. Before I had a chance to collect my things, He jumped out of the car and opened my door again. I tried to move quicker but each time he stepped in front and held the door open. I wanted to say something but decided to accept the kind gesture. I didn't have the energy or will to pick at him anymore.

As soon as we entered my place, my mom practically jumped over Terry and pulled me into a hug. I could see that she was crying and I tried to reassure her that I didn't get hurt. Terry came up behind me and patted me on the back. My heart swelled as I could see he was worried too.

After going through the days events, Terry and Marcus excused themselves and went into my moms room to talk. I plopped myself on the couch and grabbed my phone.

I opened it and saw that Ryan called and messaged a dozen times. I decided to give him a quick call since everyone was busy. The phone rang twice before he picked up.

"Ana, I'm so glad you called. I was sitting here worried sick" I could hear the strain in his voice.

"You're still at work? And I truly am fine. Maybe shook up that someone tried to run me over, but other then that, not a scratch" I tried to sound positive but started to feel the seriousness of the situation. Repeating the story to my mom and Terry brought on some anxiety. Talking to Ryan about it made the situation real. Someone knew where I worked and tried to run me over. I took in a deep breath and held it in.

"No, I just stole the cellphone from work. I didn't want to call you from a number you didn't know" there was a pause before he spoke again, "I was wondering if it would be ok for me to stop by and check on you. I just want to make sure and see for myself that you're ok. And I'm sure seeing me would cheer you up, you know....since I'm so handsome."

As I thought about it, I glanced towards my moms room and felt a pang of guilt. What was wrong with me?

"Sorry Ryan. I'm tired, and I'm waiting for the detective to get here. I'll be at work tomorrow, maybe we can grab a coffee or something?"

"Sure, I'll come find you. Sleep well Ana." I could sense the disappointment in his tone but decided that it would be weird to have Marcus and Ryan here together. It shouldn't matter, but for some reason it didn't seem right. The feeling of guilt creeped back in again.

"Good night Ryan. And thank you for saving my life." I hung up the phone and closed my eyes. When I opened them I saw Marcus walk towards me.

"Who were you taking to?" He sat down beside me and held my eyes for so long I forced myself to blink and turn away. He was in such close proximity I could feel the warmth radiating off of him.

"Ryan was checking up on me. Wanted to stop over and see how I was doing" I said it matter of factly, no tone in my voice to give anything away.

"He has your number? Knows where you live?" I looked at him for a moment and blinked. Was Marcus acting jealous? Was I reading this wrong? Maybe I did bump my head.

"He's got my number from the work cell, and no he doesn't know where I live" I watched him, and noticed the crease on his forehead was very prominent.

"Do you guys hang out a lot?" I noticed his attempt to ask nonchalantly and chuckled internally. I decided to have some fun.

"What do you mean by a lot? We spend time together. Yes. He's really fun and smart. Did you know he's becoming a lawyer?" I attempted to sound like I was overly impressed when talking about Ryan.

I could see Marcus's jaw tighten and swear his blue eyes darkened a shade.

He placed his thumb and pointer finger under my jaw and moved my face towards his. When he felt he had my full attention, he finally spoke barely above a whisper. His voice sounded gruff and sexy and I felt myself moisten between my legs.

"You wanted to leave so I didn't stop you. I lost you. You told me to stay away and I did. I've done what you've asked of me but I'm not going to anymore. I pretend to be indifferent but today I almost lost you again." His body was moving slowly, gently pushing me down and Positioning himself on top of me. I could feel the heat of his breath on me and felt his lips and nose trace my neck as he inhaled my scent. "You smell So good" he let a groan escape his mount as if he was having an internal conflict controlling himself. "I'm not going to push you. If you want to be with me I'll be patient and wait for you to be ready. But Ana, you will be mine" he brought his face back to mine and kissed my lips gently. As he moved off of me he bit the lower one causing, what I could only describe, as lightning surging through my body. I became lightheaded and felt every fiber in me wake up.  He held my gaze, and before I could even protest, as he pushed himself off me.

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