Do you know this person?

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I laid still, trying to process what had happened but couldn't . Everything seemed jumbled in my head and I had a hard time catching my breath.

As I finally managed to compose myself, I pushed all the butterflies down, and sat up to look around. I heard Marcus in the kitchen and watched him closely as he began helping my mom prepare a meal. It seemed like the two were quite comfortable around each other and even heard her giggle once or twice. I wonder how much time they spent together when I wasn't around.

"Traitor" I whispered to myself, and when I didn't think anyone was looking, stuck my tongue out at them both. I sat back down and crossed my arms. I was happy I got away with my childish moment until I heard Terry laugh while staring in my direction.

He sat down in one of the leather chairs and passed me a coffee.

"I assumed you'd need one if these kid" I took the coffee eagerly, almost knocking it out of his hand.

"I'm sorry, I hope I didn't spill any on you. I just feel exhausted and really did need that. Thanks for thinking of me" I smiled, and let the warm liquid enter my mouth. There would be no point in living if there was no coffee to keep me going. It was my elixir of life.

"I'd figured you'd be tired. Once the adrenaline wears off, you'll start feeling run down, like you ran a marathon". He saw his phone light up and lifted his finger gesturing me to give him one minute. When he was done talking he stood up and announced "they're here"

He walked to the door and let the three new guests in. I practically screamed when I saw Luka, Michael and detective Monroe. I knew she was coming, but was not expecting the other two. I ran over and decided to hug Michael first, as I was about to wrap my arms around him, I saw Luka push him out of the way and embraced me in a big bear hug.

"No way. That's not fair and you know it" he scolded Luka but waited for his turn. As soon as I was let go, Michael picked me up and spun me around. For a young nerdy kid, he sure had some strength. Even Detective Munro surprised me with a small tap on my shoulder and a genuine smile.

They led me to the dinner table and it didn't take long for Michael to pull out his laptop. I looked at him, confused for a second.

"I'm working for the police department now as a computer forensic analysis" he smiled, clearly proud of his accomplishment, "that's when I'm not helping Marcus that is. That job is still my priority".

"Yes yes yes, you two can catch up later" Monroe sat down and gestured him to get things up and running.

A few minutes later Michael pushed the screen in my direction and I saw the security footage from my clinic up and running. Clicking a few buttons he cut the screen into two halves pointing at two different locations. In one, I could see myself, sitting on a bench rummaging through my purse , and on the other, a car pulling out of a stall and accelerating towards me. As he played the videos simultaneously, I saw Ryan running and pulling me out of the way in the last possible second. The car spend away leaving pieces of it behind.

He then pulled up a few stills he took from the video. Even though these were pretty great security cameras, the image felt somewhat distorted. I looked closer at the person driving the car and felt as if I have seen this person before.

I heard a glass break and my mother scream loudly, cursing as she ran off. I turned myself around to see what caused the commotion and saw Marcus standing with broken grass around him and blood pouring from his hand.

"What happened?" I asked but was greeted in silence Marcus just stool there glaring into the computer, his jaw twitching lightly.

Luka and my mom brought over some wet towels and bandages and attempted to clean up the blood and Dress his open wound. I was worried he would require stitches.

Luke glanced toward me and gave me a wink. As he moved to look at the screen behind me he stopped for a second and came in a bit closer.

"Hey, that kinda looks like Kate? Weird"

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