15 | karma is my boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"Mama and Ellie on the beach. And T'avvy." She tells my dad and the second she mentions Travis, his face freezes.

I quickly rush them inside the room, sitting in the living room, Ellie next to me, my dad across from us. I was planning to tell him, tell him and Mom, but I thought I would do it when I was ready. Guess my daughter decided I am ready instead of me.

"I know this is none of my business, I just don't want to see you heartbroken again."

I nod, getting Ell another cracker out of the bag. "I know." I gulp, taking a deep breath before continuing. "His name is Travis, Travis Kelce-"

"Wait, Kelce... Kelce plays for the Eagles." He interrupts me.

"Yeah, that's his older brother. He plays for the Kansas City Chiefs. He and I started talking because he said on his podcast..." I tell him the whole story of how we met before shutting up, waiting for his opinion.

"He sounds nice, I guess. As long as he treats you right and you are happy... Just tell your mom before she finds out from someone else." He winks, getting up and I do too, hugging him again.

I mumble a 'thank you' to his ear and we part our ways, both of us going to unpack and heading to rehearsals later on in the day.

We work our butts off at rehearsals, Ell dancing her life out with Dad in front of the stage. That little girl is not even 2 years old and knows my songs probably better than I do.

I finally get off stage, immediately see Ellie running towards me so I lower to her level, scooping her into my arms. Dad makes his way closer to us a few seconds later.

"Your daughter is unbelievable. That kid has so much energy... just like you when you were little. I was just 32 years younger then." He says, a little out of his breath.

I chuckle, kissing his cheek and putting the wiggling child in my arms back to the ground. "At least we know who she gets it from." I grin, the same teethy one Ellie makes and I've been doing in photos since I was little.

"You two are literally the same." He chuckles. "Did you tell your mother yet?"

"No, not yet. Planning to call her after dinner. " I answer "Come on, sweetie!" I call my daughter who is running around again. I swear that kid has an unlimited amount of energy.

As Dad told me, and I was planning to do it myself but in person, when we come back, I am calling my Mom over FaceTime, about to break the news to her.

It's after dinner, Ellie and I bid goodbyes with my Dad, I bathed her and put her to bed. I am also showered, ready to head to bed soon too. I need to be well rested. These are gonna be hard 4 days. I just need to tell Mom first.

I know she will be happy for me, I know she will, but she will also be really protective of me, after what all happened with Joe.

"Hey, honey. What's up?" She picks up, her cheery face looking at me from the screen of my phone.

"Hey, I have something to tell you." I say, biting my lower lip. I jump right to it, not being able to lie to my parents since I was a kid. I am an awful liar.

"What did you do?" She gives me that 'what did you just do again' Mom look and I can't help it but laugh.

"Nothing." One of her eyebrows raises, questioning my answer. "I've started talking to someone, seeing someone." I respond, staring into my lap.

When I look back up, I can see complete shock on her face. "Who is it?" She says when the biggest shock leaves.

I know why she's so shocked. Before I met Travis, I was saying all the time that I was not ready to go into another relationship, I didn't want to have another relationship. That I just wanted to focus on healing myself, being the best mom I possibly can be to Ellie.

"His name is Travis Kelce, he's a football player."

"Kelce... that seems familiar for some reason."

She definitely knows the name because of my dad, same as me. "His brother, Jason, is playing for the Eagles."

"That must be it." She says, looking deep in thoughts. "I know this is not my business at all. I just don't want you to be left heartbroken, even more now that Ellie is involved."

Yeah, she thinks the exact same way I did before I even met him. Before we even texted. But very quickly, I learned that Travis couldn't be more opposite from Joe. Well, most of my exes.

"I know. I know what I said, Mom, but he's-"

"Different? I really trust your judgment, Taylor. As long as he's good to you, better than those before... I know I have no business talking into your relationship. It just breaks my heart seeing you heartbroken." She explains, a serious look on her face.

I nod, understanding her. When I imagine Ellie going through even 1/4 of what I did, seeing her cry for weeks... I would definitely be overprotective. I am overprotective of her, maybe because I know what she can go through in the future.

I am about to say something when I see Trav calling me, sending me a text a few seconds later.

Trav🏈❤️: hey, pretty. call me when you can. gotta have my goodnight call😘

I smile, reading the message. "That was him, wasn't it?" Mom gets me out of my head, putting me back on ground, to reality.

"Yeah. He was calling and then send a text."

I see Mom smile for the first time since I told her the big news. "I didn't want it to sound bad. I'm happy for you, Tay. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Go call your man."

I laugh at her calling him 'my man'. "Thanks, Mom. Good night, love you."

We say our goodnights and love yous before I hang up, calling Trav immediately after that.

He picks up on the second ring, probably waiting for me to call.

"Somebody is impatient." I pick at him with a smile on my face as soon as his face appears on the screen of my phone.

"You're funny." He laughs too, making me miss him even more. Is it ridiculous to miss him that much even though we have been official for about 3 days? "I miss you. And Ellie too."

I shoot him a shy smile. "We miss you too."

A/N: not really happy with this. just a filler chapter, mostly

school has been crazy these past few weeks so i'm sorry for less updates, hopefully it'll get better

as always, thank you so much for your support, you have no idea how much it means to me. also, don't forget to vote, comment or suggest any idea you might have about this story

love you, ell🤍

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