2 | bigger than the whole sky

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A/N: tw for mentions of miscarriage

After what Tree just sent me, I just decide to call her. Facetime her to be exact. I don't know what she is doing or planning.

"Why did you send me that?" I whisper when she pick up. I reach for my AirPods too and put them one of them in my ear.

"Why are you whispering?" She loudly whispers back and it makes me giggle. I just turn the camera down a bit so she can see Ell lying on me, sleeping peacefully. "Oh, princess is having her beauty sleep on Mommy."

Saying everyone from my team, my crew, love Ellie would be a weak thing to say. They adore her. She is bringing light into everybody's days. If you are feeling a little under the weather, I'd give you my daughter for 5 minutes and your whole mood would be changed.

"Back to the conversation. Why the heck did you send me that?" I ask again.

"So you could see what is being said about you?" She doesn't seem confident at all and I know she is lying. I just raise an eyebrow and wait what she has to say. "He's really nice, Taylor. I looked into him-"

"Tree..." I don't let her finish and sigh. "I am happy where I am. With Ellie, without any man. After what happened with Joe I just... I can't handle another relationship, not even talking about heartbreak." I say, looking at the sleeping bundle of joy on my chest. "Plus I have a daughter now."

"Fine, I won't bother you with it anymore." She says, trying to be serious but I saw that little smirk.

We quickly bite our goodbyes and not even a minute later after I hang up, she sends me a message.

A phone number. His phone number, to be exact.

Me: TREE!!!

🌳 Paine: What are you talking about?

Oh gosh. She's acting like a child.

I let it be, set a timer for 30 minutes and then fall asleep with my baby still cuddled up to me.

When we finally get out of bed, we eat breakfast, I pack up our things and then head to the airport.

Normally, I wouldn't rush to be at the next destination the day after the concert, but because it's LA and I have a house there, it just makes more sense.

We meet Mom and Dad at in the plane, they needed to run some errands before we take off so they went a bit earlier.

"Where is my favourite girl?" Mom says as I step into the private plane with Ell in my hands.

When she sees her grandmother she starts laughing and wiggling out of my arms so she could run to her. I put her down and she sprints into my Mom's arms who is showering her with kisses.

"Love to see you too, Mom." I say, trying to sound a bit offended. Dad comes to me, giving me a side a side hug and kissing me cheek. "Hey, Dad."

I am always just joking about this. I couldn't be more grateful for my parent's incredible help with Ellie. If I didn't have them, the world would most definitely know by now that I have a daughter. Hell, if I would even survive. My pregnancy, birth and even taking care of little newborn Ellie. I wouldn't have had survived without their help and support. The fact that I was able to go on a world tour is just because of them. Because they are willing to help me raise my daughter.

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