10 | burnt toast, sunday

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A/N: finally bringing you a Travis & Ellie meeting. you're welcome😂

August 13th, 2023

I had a rough night with Ellie. She woke up every hour or two, crying and just wanting to be held until she fell asleep again.

Now, I am preparing all the food. Travis texted me about 30 minutes ago that he's taking a shower and coming over so he should be here any minute.

Maggie left about an hour ago when I made her and Ellie breakfast, me waiting for Travis so I didn't have any.

Just as I place the last thing on the table, the doorbell rings. Usually, my security would let me know that someone is there, but I told them to let him upstairs yesterday when I came home.

I check Ell, who is sitting on the carpet in the living room, playing with the cats and I know the cats wouldn't do anything to her so I can comfortably walk away and open the door.

"Hey." He brings me in for a hug as soon as I open the door. I take in his scent, his cologne. It suits him, refreshing with a good spice to it.

"Hi." I mumble to his chest and we let go of each other a few seconds after that. "I know I said brunch but it's almost 11:15." I joke.

"We've been out until midnight. For how long have you been up?"

Before I can answer, we hear Ellie screaming "mama", probably now noticing that I've disappeared from the kitchen.

"Right here, baby." I call and hear her little footsteps coming closer. Alright. They are gonna meet. For the first time. This is kinda a big deal. "Since 7am but every hour or two all through the night."

Travis just laughs, shaking his head unbelievably.

Suddenly, I can feel Ellie behind me, hugging my right leg. I look down and see that she's hiding behind me while her big blue eyes are at Travis. He kneels down to her level.

"So, this is Ellie." I say nervously.

"Hey, girlie." He speaks sweetly. I can feel her clinging onto my leg even more so I sweep her up to my arms and she immediately hides her head in the crook of my neck while still peeking at Travis.

"She will get around. She just needs a minute."

"Of course. It's totally fine."

"Here, let me give you a little tour."

I show him the apartment, Ellie still holding me close, not wanting to let go. She hasn't met a new person in a while so I get it and thankfully, Travis does too. He's smiling at her this whole time, melting my heart already and he's been here for about 10 minutes.

I end the tour in the kitchen/dining room area. All of the food is displayed on the counters and I can see that I made a mistake by putting it up there because Benjamin is up on the counter, eating a piece of bacon.

I quickly put Ellie down, startling her and making her cry, and shooing Benji away.

"Benjamin. Not for you. You had your breakfast." I immediately get him off the counter and on the ground and after that, trying to calm down Ellie that I completely forget that Travis is there.

"Quite a morning you've got here." He laughs.

"I'm sorry. This is just a mess." I apologize. Ell is back in my arms and Benj is tangled in my feet, trying to look as cute as he can, making big eyes at me. When I don't ease up, he moves to Travis, wiping his head on Trav's leg.

"Hey, buddy." He kneels down, petting him on the head.

"That is my little dog-cat. He's the sweetest... most of the time anyway." I chuckle. "Meredith and Olivia should be around here somewhere too."

Travis stands up again, with Benji in his arms, covered in cat hair. "The three most famous cats on the internet."

I laugh. "Yeah. Well, let's dig in until they eat it all."

We both load up our plates and I cut up Ellie some fruit as a snack, seating her in her high chair next to me.

"This is the best French toast I've ever had. Hands down." He says after a first bite.

"It's nothing special." I blush. Why do I always blush when he says a nice thing to me? He just complimented my cooking.

"I mean it." He smiles and a dimple shows up in his right cheek.

"Thanks." I look down at my plate.

We keep eating fairly quietly, besides Ell babbling stuff. I catch myself checking him out, more than a few times. And I also catch him checking me out.

"Mama." My daughter babbles, getting me back to reality. "Mama, out."

I glance over to her plate, only a few raspberries laying there. "C'mere." I place a handful of kisses on her face, making her giggle. I sit her on my lap, reaching over for her cup.

After a few seconds, she wriggles out of my embrace. She slowly toddles over to the other side of the table, where Travis is sitting. I am torn, not knowing what is about to happen.

"Hey, princess. What's up?" He smiles at her. I can see her raising her hands at him and he immediately picks her up, him sitting her on his lap this time.

I look up at them, almost tearing up. That's what I always wanted right there. What Ellie's father wasn't able to give me, but what Travis could give me, I think at least. We've known each other for less than 2 weeks and he's been more than Joe has been in 6 years.

I see Ell taking a piece of bacon from his plate, shoving it in her mouth and I start laughing.


"Look down."

"Hey, that's mine, you little stinker." He waits until she swallows to start tickling her. She wriggles out of his lap too, running around the table with a piece of bacon in her little hand. Travis stands up a little after her, pretending to chase her around. I keep seated, staring at them. This could be my life. I am so scared to let him in but at the same time, I know I will. I care about him too much to just let him go at this point.

"Hey, Nugget." She immediately stops in her tracks, running to me. "Can you say 'Travis'?"

She thinks for a while before turning back to Trav and letting out the most adorable thing I've ever heard, maybe except for calling me 'Mama'. "T'avvy." I can see it melts his heart too.

A/N: more than 10K reads on this book... this is crazy, you guys. thank you sm❤️

btw, i would suggest to give me a follow bc i post updates on where a new chapter will be up and stuff, you can ask me questions, or suggest anything to put in a chapter, i will be so happy to include your idea if it fits the story i'm trying to tell🥰

already working on the next chapter

love you, ell🤍

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