14 | today was a fairytale

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A/N: tw for mentions of an eating disorder

August 21st, 2023

I get woken up by the cats, meowing. When I open my eyes, I see that it's still pitch black outside. Then I look over to the door, hearing scratches, realizing that when Travis went to get his bag last night, he fully closed the door, not knowing the cats would want in at some point through the night.

My back is facing him, his arm holding me close to him, spooning me, and I try to get out of his embrace without waking him up but that doesn't work.

"What's happening?"

I get up, still half asleep, and go to the door to open it. As soon as I do, Olivia and Benji sprint into the room and onto the bed, Meredith following closely behind them. "The cats were meowing and scratching the door because you closed it. Forgot to tell you." I climb back in, moving Dibbles, who immediately acquired my place in front of Trav and who is not very happy that I moved her. "Hey, this is my place." I say as I lay back, Travis spooning me again, and Olivia tries to get in between us.

Trav just chuckles, moving Olivia above our heads and that's where she settles, purring quietly. "Your place, right here." He mumbles, kissing my hairline. "Sorry, Dibbles."

I wake up again around 7am. Travis is still asleep and this time, I manage to get out of his arms without waking him up and I close myself in the bathroom, getting through my morning routine. It's surprising I am up before Ellie is, so I have to use my time as best as I can.

I slip on Trav's t-shirt from last night, adding a pair of leggings and take the baby monitor downstairs, making myself a coffee and starting to prepare food for our beach picnic/lunch later on. We've decided to spend the whole day on the beach or by the pool. And I don't really wanna climb up and down every time you need something, so I always prepare some food to take down there.

I forgot something in the bedroom, so I quietly go back there and accidentally wake up Travis.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." I whisper.

"I was already awake. Come here." He pats the spot beside him and I come up, leaning down to kiss him. "Morning, beautiful." He mumbles into my lips before actually kissing me.

"Morning, handsome." I smile. He drags me down, I land on top of him, quietly squealing so I don't wake Ellie up.

"Ellie's not up yet, right?" He asks and I shake my head. "Good, I get to have you for myself for a few more minutes." I laugh as he cuddles up closer to me and we both just rest before we hear my daughter screaming for me.

"Sorry. I'll go get her."

"Wait." He takes my wrist, guiding me back. "Can I go?"

What?! "Ehh... Yeah, I guess." I say, in complete disbelief. I know he loves children but I didn't expect him to click with her like this and especially this quick.

He comes back, not even a minute later, with my daughter in his arms, with her clinging onto his neck. But immediately, when she sees me and he puts her on the bed, she crawls over to me.

"Good to know I am still the favorite." I laugh, snuggling her to my chest. "Good morning, baby." I mumble into her hair, a wild mess of blonde curls, just like I had when I was a kid.

Travis comes back to his original spot, sitting right behind me, with me leaving against his chest and Ellie on my lap. She looks up at him, those big blue eyes just staring at him until he does something silly again, making her laugh and hide her face in the crook of my neck. A few seconds later, I feel him leaning his head on mine, leaving a set of kisses there and it makes my heart sink, butterflies fly in my stomach.

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