15 | karma is my boyfriend

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August 22nd, 2023

The next day, we eat breakfast in peace before packing our stuff. Unfortunately, our little getaway is over because Ellie and I have to fly out to Mexico City. I have 4 shows there, starting the day after tomorrow.

I am packing my stuff, Ellie toddling around the bedroom, being her cute self, Travis preparing to go into the shower. He takes off his tank top that he slept in and that's when I see it.

"Trav, oh, God!" I exclaim, quickly going from the suitcase to him.


"Your back." I say, touching it gently and he winces. "It's bright red. Go look into the mirror. Why didn't you say anything? Did you sleep?" I am rambling until he stops me with a kiss, shutting me up.

"It hurts a little but I'll be fine." He gives me one more kiss, to my forehead this time before disappearing in the en-suite bathroom.

"T'av, owie." Ellie points out. I just nod, laughing a little at how attentive she is.

When we finish packing, I put some aloe gel on Travis' back when he comes out of the shower. Him and the security guys load up the cars again before we hit the road.

The journey goes by rather quickly, Trav's palm resting on my thigh or our fingers intertwined the whole time.

"What do you think about coming to watch me play some day?" He throws out the question into a completely different chat. We were just talking about when we were gonna see each other again, knowing that I have shows in Mexico and Travis' season is slowly starting again. Also me preparing The Eras Tour movie premiere, 1989 TV coming out and preparing a whole new album.

I raise an eyebrow, looking at him. "Would you want me to go?" I ask back, nor really wanting to go if he doesn't want me there.

"I'd love to have you there."

"Then I'll be honored." I smile, squeezing his hand.

"September 24th works for you? We're playing at Arrowhead so you could stay at my place, with Ellie, of course."

I get taken aback a bit, kinda not prepared for him to say a date immediately but also glad that he's serious about it. "I'll have to check with Tree but I think I'm free then."

"What is this from?" He breaks the silence, his thumb gently brushing over the scar on my right thigh. The infamous scar.

"Ehm..." I clear my throat, not trying to laugh while just remembering this story. "You have to promise me not to break up with me first."

He laughs, seeing the smile on my own face. "I promise. What did you do, Swift?"

"I think I was about 10 or 11. I used to sit up in the attic and make castles out of popsicle sticks and used an industrial super strength glue gun. And one day I was creating a slide and suddenly was gluing off the table and it was on my leg. And, of course, my first instinct was to pull the hot glue off." I finish up my storytelling and Trav bursts out laughing.

"Gosh, you're adorable." He says, leaning in to kiss my cheek while still keeping an eye on the road.

August 23rd, 2023

We land in Mexico in the early morning, meeting my Dad in the hotel.

"Papa!" Ellie shouts when she sees him standing by the end of the long hallway, where our room is, running to him.

"Hey, Nugget. How have you been?" He scoops her into his arms. "Hi, sweetie." He greets me when I come closer, wrapping me in a hug and I greet him too.

endgame. || taylor swift & travis kelceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora