Made to Kill| KSJ

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"It's getting out of hand now. We need to take immediate action. People are losing their trust in the police. We can't let that psycho wander around Seoul at night killing people."
The chief said.

"But isn't the psycho isn't killing the criminals that we, the government can't take action on because they are big shots in the city?"
Yn asked the chief.

The chief laughed before answering you.

"You are right, Yn. But a person doesn't have any right to kill or harm a human. That's what our law says. You are right that he is killing the one who deserves it but that's why we police are here, right?"

"But we also can't do our job because of some so-called police who are truly working and some orders from the higher officials."
You said.

"Let's talk about it afterward. The meeting is dismissed."
The chief said.

Everyone present in the meeting hall went out.

You looked at your watch to see the time it was past midnight. You grabbed your stuff and exited the police station. You waited for your ride. You messaged your husband and he replied that he was on his way to pick you up. You waited for him on the platform in front of the police station.

Soon a car stops in front of you, the window slides down to reveal, Your husband, 𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙎𝙚𝙤𝙠𝙟𝙞𝙣.

"Worldwide handsome, at your service."
He said winking at you.

You chuckled and got in. He started the car and drove.

"How was your day, Yn?"
He asked you, looking at the front.

"Tiring as usual."
You answered and closed your eyes leaning on his shoulders.

"Aww, don't worry. I'll cook you something to eat."
He said.

"No, Jin. I'm not hungry."

"Ok, then. Let's sleep after we reach home. Between, how is your case going?"
He asked you.

"Not good. I just want to finish this case soon. So I can enjoy the summer holidays with you."

"But the police don't have holidays, Yn.  But I will make a reason for you to get a holiday for more than a week saying Jungkook broke his leg and he needs bed rest, for that you and I have to be there until he gets fine."
Jin said laughing out loud, maybe thinking about a scenario of how Jungkook would look in that.

"Jin, be serious."
I said looking at him who was still laughing.

"Ok, serious."
He stopped laughing.

After that, we didn't talk about anything just sat in comfortable silence. Soon we reached our house. He pulled up the car and got out.

He got into the kitchen and bought two glasses of water for me and himself. We just sat on the couch and drank it.

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