No way out| JJK

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He stood outside the café, leaning on his motorbike with his arms folded, admiring her as she sat inside, waiting for her coffee. Her eyes twinkled as she looked at the freshly baked chocolate cakes on display.

However, his adoration was interrupted by a phone call. "Jungkook, come soon. They are here," the voice on the other end said. Jungkook checked his watch. "I'll be there in ten minutes," he replied before declining the call. He took one last glance at her before driving off on his motorbike, wearing his helmet.

It was already 9:45 pm, and half of Seoul was asleep. He drove at full speed, ignoring the traffic lights. He couldn't understand why he was attracted to her so quickly. He didn't know how she made him fall head over heels without doing anything. He wanted her to be his, but at the same time, he was scared that she would reject him. He didn't want her to live a life like the one he was living. But his foolish heart couldn't help feeling the way it did.

He reached an abandoned building between the empty highway that was no longer in use. After stopping his bike, he removed his helmet, ran his fingers through his hair, and kept the helmet on the petrol tank before entering the building. It was more like a mansion than a building. It had been abandoned for years and was quite ruined. His footsteps echoed as he walked through the mansion and opened the door to a room. He went down the stairs leading to another room and opened another door to enter their control room.

All the workers, or rather hackers, stood up from their chairs after seeing him come in, bowing at him. He just hummed and walked through the control room, entering the room where his mates were working.

"Hey Jungkook! You're late," said his mate Jack, who was sitting in front of the computer.

"Maybe you went to meet your girlfriend," said Jason, who was sitting in a chair near the table, making Jungkook throw his bike keys at his face. But he quickly dodged it by catching it.

"Stop with that!" Jungkook said to him, annoyed.

"Oh, come on, man. Don't act like you don't love her. We all know you're head over heels for her. We also know how you stalk her every day," said Jason, making Jackson laugh at him.

"Seriously, Jungkook? You are stalking her. It's hard to believe that to see Mr. A girl hater stalking a girl."

Jungkook just sat on the chair ignoring their questions.

"Jason, how is everything going?"
Jungkook asked Jason whose face turned serious after hearing him.

"Nothing is going on in our way, Jungkook. That bastard is trying to cheat by partnering up with our rivals. We also got that he was going to escape tonight."
Jason said making Jungkook's face harden.

"Where is he now?"
Jungkook asked him.

"In his apartment. He is going to escape from Seoul to Canada.
And he is not going on a flight because he knows we will catch him so he decides to go to Busan first and then go from there to Ship."
Jack said to Jungkook who was looking at Jason.

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