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 Temari couldn't help but notice the change in Gaara's behavior. Both she and Kankuro were thrown off by the apology, and what made things even odder was the fact there was no need for Gaara to apologize for anything. Kankuro pulled her aside when they finally stopped and whispered into her ear. "Exactly what is he apologizing for?"

"I don't know. I guess for messing up the mission?"

"Does Gaara even understand what it means to mess up a mission? This is the first time he's ever done so Temari." The elder of her two brother's scratched the top of his head. "It honestly doesn't make sense."

Temari found herself approached by the youngest of her siblings once he was finally able to move on his own. Another strange thing came out of his mouth. "Are you all right?"

"I'm all right Gaara. I'm a bit confused as to why you're asking such a question." The kunoichi tilted her head to the side slightly as an odd expression appeared on Gaara's face. She felt air pull quickly into her lungs. "Something bothering you?"

"N... no." The boy slid away.

The second brother was watching from near by. "Temari..."


"Did Gaara do anything to you recently?"

"Recently?" The kunoichi looked up at the forest above. "I got slammed into a tree when I tried tending his injuries. Speaking of which..." The blond paused realizing what Gaara was asking about. "Look. I need to look over his injuries to make sure they're bandaged properly."

"He's not going to let you. He hates being touched."

Gaara though let her touch him. The look on the red head's face was full of curiosity as she took care of his injuries. It bothered her not knowing how fast his injuries would heal. Not only was this the first time she remembered Gaara being injured, but she also didn't know if being a jinchuriki would help the healing process. She avoided making eye contact as she finished binding his chest. "I really am all right. I've had worse injuries."

On the way back the two siblings noticed how Gaara remained near them. Normally they would find time to speak with each other without him hearing as he didn't like being around them, but for some reason he clung to his two older siblings. Temari finally asked Gaara if he would feel up the water flasks for her, and the young shinobi grabbed the flasks quickly. Konkoro watched Gaara leave. "Is it just me, or has Gaara changed?"

"I can't exactly put my finger on why or how much, but he has changed." Temari took a deep breath. "Konkoro... what do you think the Kazekage is going to do to Gaara when we get back. We did after all fail the mission."

The kunoichi heard her brother draw in a deep breath. "He's going to personally kill Gaara. I mean... wasn't this like... Gaara's last chance or something to prove himself useful to the village."

The cogs in Temari's mind thought carefully over this realization both she and her eldest brother came to, and the next time she was able to convince Gaara to go do something she shared the plan she'd formulated with Konkoro. For a bit she was worried Konkoro wouldn't want to go along with her plan. Gaara had done nothing to make them want to protect him, but both knew they knew their younger brother need not do anything for them to want to protect him.

It was honestly the first time they could.

They stopped an hour or two Suna and took a break. It was then that Temari asked Gaara to stay. Somehow she knew the young shinobi wasn't happy about being told to stay, and perhaps even confused. "This is for your own good Gaara."

She then headed towards the village, and saw the tense look of the villagers when they entered through the front entrance. Both siblings could hear the people gossiping as they passed by, and none of it was pleasant. One rumor indicated the Kazekage was dead, and another said the council was thinking of replacing him for implementing such a plan. Some wanted Gaara to be killed off. Most disturbing though was the rumors of another victim of Gaara, and how their young brother was now doing more then just killing people."

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