Stirring the Pot

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 Two eyes watched as the Gold Dust traversed over the edges of the cavern. The others within the cavern looked down at floor where they sat. One of the men looked up at the man as he stood there with his arms crossed. "Kazekage... you should rest. There is no telling how many days you've used your Gold Dust to try and explore the area, and you're also injured."

The auburn haired man ignored the comment from the ANBU, but then teetered slightly. He took a deep breath and slid down against the wall. He closed his eyes trying to not remember what Orochimaru said to him before sealing him and his men into the cavern.

"I'd kill you, and use your Vanishing Facial Copy Technique if it weren't for the fragile nature of said technique. I'll simply use that mask you Suna shinobi are so fond of. If you manage to escape this sealed prison you'll find it's not just Konoha which has fallen."

Rasa's teeth ground together as he looked off into space. Sweat dripped down from his forehead despite the coolness of the cavern, and one hand went to his rib cage. His attention diverted to his ANBU as one spoke up. "Kazekage... your injury."

"I'm fine. The ones who don't look fine are the ANBU who are supposed to guard me at all times. Tend to your own injuries instead of worrying about me." The man looked over the ANBU and wondered if under the masks they wore were looks of disappointment from their Kazekage's harsh tone. "It can't be helped. They're not children, and really should be worrying more about their injuries. Particularly the ones I couldn't protect with the Gold Dust when the explosion occurred."

"Children..." The Kazekage looked at the wall. "I wonder what that man has in mind for Baki's group of genin." The man brushed off the guilty feeling from not referring to Baki's students as his own children. "What is exactly is that man's plans with Gaara? That child is completely unpredictable, and simply having him try to make a name for us by becoming a chunin was a major risk."

A sigh escaped his lips as he let his head tilt back as he waited for his chakra to replenish. "The only chance we had was Gaara, and Gaara not losing control during his matches. It's true the brat has more control over his sand, but he's never cared about doing what he's told." The man licked his lips, and then heard the sloshing sound of someone's water container. He looked up to see one of the men holding out his own flask for the Kazekage to take. "What are you doing?"

"Lord Kazekage? Isn't your flask almost out."

"Be concerned with yourself."

"You're the only one you can get us out of here Lord Kazekage."

"I'm not likely to be of any use getting use out. Our real hope lies with someone from the outside finding us. I doubt anyone suspects that we're missing." The man watched as a silence fell over the entire group.

"We may be the only ones who can help Suna though."

"Valid point." The Kazekage reached for his own flask and opened up the container and took a drink. "Can't wait for my chakra to replenish." The man stood up, and felt the tension from his ANBU increase. "As I said. Be concerned with yourselves and not what I'm doing."

He watched as his Gold Dust floated up to the ceiling, and all around the cavern probing for some kind of weakness.


Working with the Konoha shinobi wasn't to Baki's liking, and honestly caused him to have a foul mood. The faces of the Suna shinobi they met up with told him they weren't none to pleased with the situation, and he felt at least one of them questioned his judgment of trying to negotiate with the Konoha shinobi. He knew the Kazekage would be guessing his judgment as well should the manage to find him. "If we find them. If that man is dead then those three children are orphans. I'm not sure if they will care, particularly Gaara."

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