Strange Sorcery

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 The report Baki gave was not to Rasa's liking.

The most shocking news was finding out two of Konoha's genin shinobi manged to push the limitations of Gaara's sand shields and armor, and this was done using taijutsu. Rasa wasn't surprised to find out one of the genin was the student of the loud mouth, nor was he surprised Gaara tried attacking the youth again only for the sensei to interfere again.

The other major shock was the idea Gaara panicked twice by Baki's estimation. The first time was when Gaara realized the genin he was up against in the tournament was using taijutsu in the same manner the young man he fought during the preliminary rounds did. Out of fear Gaara decided to change to Shukaku before the expected time to do so. The transformation failed because his opponent managed to injure the young Suna shinobi.

Yes... Gaara ended up injured by someone.

Seeing his blood caused Gaara to panic a second time. Instead of losing control, or making some rash decision. Gaara simply froze and Baki ordered the two older children to get Gaara away. Baki pointed out the slight panic in Rasa's tone of voice resulting as his frustration with his youngest child escalated. The fact Gaara couldn't follow instructions was a problem albeit the instructions weren't' the ones Rasa wanted to give the young shinobi.

The door clicked open as Temari and Kankuro slipped into the room. "Baki's already filled me in up to the point where he had you retreat with Gaara."


"I've not yet given you permission to speak Kankuro." Rasa leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. "I want to say something before you give your reports. Stay away from Gaara unless your missions call for it."

His two oldest glared at him. Temari finally folded her arms across her chest. "No."

"Excuse me." Rasa felt his shoulders tensed up.

"You heard me."

"Gaara's dangerous! What don't you understand about that? You two are at a high enough risk during missions of being injured, maimed or even worse killed by him!" The Kazekage's fingers tapped on the top of his desk.

"Gaara would never hurt us intentionally!" Temari stormed forward and slammed her hands onto the front of the desk causing the finger tapping to stop.

Rasa glared at his daughter as she looked at him in defiance. His fingers tapped on the top of the desk as his mouth twisted up into a deep frown. The kazekage couldn't quickly think of an answer in response to the girl's comment, and instead changed the subject. "What happened after you parted ways with Baki?"

The two siblings looked at each other, and then Temari raised her eyebrows as if to say she would handle things. She turned to look at the man with eyes that reminded him of her mother. "We found ourselves chased by a few of the Konohaga shinobi. Kankuro stopped to hold them off while I took Gaara on ahead. I tried treating Gaara's injuries, but he didn't want help. One of the shinobi came, and Gaara began to..."

The man watched as Temari stopped speaking, and her facial features twisted up. "Let me guess? He became Shukaku."

"Yes. He became Shukaku. He made himself go to sleep, and let Shukaku have control. One of the Konohaga shinbobi ended up fighting him to a draw. We, Kankuro and I, were prepared to take the other one on, but Gaara told us it was enough."

"Gaara did?"

"Gaara did. We then took him, and brought him back here." Temari looked her father in her eye. "After that Gaara kept apologizing, and tried being helpful."

Ghost in the Sand (Naruto Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang