Dumped-Clarisse La Rue

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She tapped his shoulder and glared at him, "Jacob? Care to explain?". 

The boy shifted uncomfortably, "Um. Y/N this Jenny, her and I are kind of going out". 

"We're literally dating you prick!", Y/N shouted. 

A couple of campers came near them, to see what the ordeal was. 

"Well, I guess we should break up then", Jacob mused nonchalantly. 

Y/N was seething, she could see a crowd of people near them now, looking dumbfounded. She was now being cheated on, and publicly dumped and humiliated. What a great start to the day. 

"Screw you, Jacob", she muttered, and took off into the forest, not bothering to look back to see the pitying glances, or laughs of the others.


Y/N had been in the forest for a while, crouched under a tree crying. She wasn't so much upset about Jacob, that douche was the least of her worries. But now she had nothing to block her from her true feelings. Nothing to keep her obligated to NOT fall for the person she's loved since she got to camp. 

Now she had no reason, not to love Clarisse La Rue. 

Her heart seemed to shatter all over again at the revelation. She was mostly fine with the fact that she liked girls, she had come to terms with that a long time ago. But liking girls was different than liking her best friend. Liking the strong, closed off, daughter of Ares who definitely didn't like her back. 

As if on cue, Y/N heard footsteps approaching her, and felt the sun blocked from her face by a tall shadow, she didn't even have to look up to know who it was. Clarisse dropped down to sit beside her. 

"You okay?". 

Y/N only nodded, she couldn't look at Clarisse, couldn't trust herself to. 

"He was a dick, didn't deserve you. None of the guys at this place deserve you", Clarisse whispered. 

Y/N sighed, wiping the tears off her face, "I didn't even like him, he was a distraction". 

"A distraction from what?", Clarisse asked. 

Y/N stayed silent. 

"Y/N, what was he a distraction from?". 

"From you!", Y/N blurted out suddenly. 

Clarisse stared at her, her face was confused, then hurt, "Why did you need to be distracted from me?".

"Because", Y/N sniffed, taking a deep breath, "I love you". 

She hadn't meant to confess, she had meant to leave it as "because", but her heart spoke before her mind could, and now, she thought, she was about to lose her favorite person in the world. 

Y/N sprung up from the ground, "I shouldn't have said that. Oh my Gods. I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that". 

She started to walk away, but Clarisse grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into her. Then before she could say anything more, Clarisse smashed her lips against Y/N's and kissed her. 

The kiss was rough, desperate, both girls clutching to eachother like they'd fade away if they didn't hold on tightly. After a while, their grip softened, and they melted into a slower gentler kiss. Unfortunately for them, air was something they needed to live so they pulled apart breathing heavily. 

"I love you too", Clarisse whispered, "A lot actually". 

Y/N giggled and pulled Clarisse into another kiss. 

"Should've done that ages ago", Clarisse pointed out with a smirk. 

"Oh shush". 

The ares girl smiled goofily at her, an unusual sight on her usually stoic face, "I say we do that again, head back to camp, show your dickhead boyfriend you've found someone better". 

Y/N slid her hand into Clarisse's, "Sounds like a good plan to me". 


Hey ya'll! Currently in my "Dumped" era, waiting for my, "girl kisses me and confesses her undying love" era. It's been rough but I hope y'all enjoyed this story! I just love writing about Clarisse so much, omg. Anyways, I want to start writing about more characters. I know I have a Luke request to get to, and I want to start writing about Rachel Elizabeth dare, bc i don't tolerate Rachel slander i love her. Anyways here's a question: 

If you had to date/marry a god/goddess from Greek mythology, which one would you pick? 

Tbh, I'd probs say Poseidon, he's just kinda.... (i don't have emojis on this keyboard but picture the tongue out one). Anyways I really hope you guys liked this, as always make sure to rest and take care of yourself. Love y'all. 


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