Chapter 30: Animagus

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The sound of droplets of water echoed inside the bathroom, masking the faint noise of Archon's footsteps as he approached the closed door of the Chamber of Secrets. With a sense of triumph, Archon knelt down, observing the pipeline that connected to the door.

A smirk formed on his face as an idea sparked in his mind. Taking a deep breath, Archon focused his magical energy, channeling it into the transformation spell. In an instant, his form shifted and contorted, his body morphing into that of an Animagus—a sleek serpent with the head of a dragon.

With newfound agility and stealth, Archon slithered into the pipe line, his serpentine body navigating the twists and turns with ease. The darkness of the pipe engulfed him as he ventured deeper, inching closer to uncovering Tom's secret hidden within the Chamber of Secrets.

Emerging from the pipe, Archon's eyes adjusted to the dim light of the chamber. Before him lay a vast room adorned with statues of serpents, their stone forms casting eerie shadows against the walls. But his attention was drawn to the figure lying on the wet floor—Tom, his once proud demeanor now shattered, his hands bloodied and his face hidden in anguish.

Archon watched silently as a single tear rolled down Tom's cheek, his sobs echoing in the chamber. It was a stark contrast to the confident facade he had displayed mere hours ago at school. As Archon observed the marks on the ground from Tom's furious punches, a sense of satisfaction welled within him.

Inside, a wicked grin spread across Archon's face as he relished Tom's downfall. He had always despised Tom, and seeing him reduced to such a state brought a twisted sense of satisfaction. But outwardly, he maintained his composed facade, silently observing the scene before him, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal himself.

As Archon waited in the shadows, he could hear the faint sound of footsteps echoing through the chamber as Tom made his exit. Waiting a moment longer to ensure Tom was truly gone, Archon emerged from his hiding spot and transformed back into his human form.

Surveying the room, Archon's eyes were drawn to the statues of serpents, their stony forms seeming to watch his every move. But before he could fully take in his surroundings, he heard a faint slithering sound behind him.

Turning slowly, Archon's gaze met the piercing eyes of a large Basilisk, its scales shimmering in the dim light. A devilish smile spread across Archon's face as he locked eyes with the ancient creature.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Archon murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "Would you like to venture out of your chamber once again, my friend?"

The Basilisk regarded him with a silent intensity, its movements calculated and deliberate. Archon felt a thrill of excitement coursing through him as he awaited the creature's response, ready for whatever mischief lay ahead.


As the morning light filtered through the windows of Hogwarts, casting long shadows across the hallway, Tom Riddle trudged wearily along the corridor. His usually composed demeanor was replaced by a haggard expression, his features drawn and tense with the weight of sleepless nights and inner turmoil.

Lost in his thoughts, Tom was startled when he heard Hermione's voice calling out to him from behind. He stopped in his tracks, his heart pounding in his chest as he turned to face her.

"Hermione," he muttered tersely, his voice strained with emotion.

"Tom, are you alright?" Hermione asked, her concern evident in her voice as she approached him.

For a fleeting moment, a surge of anger and betrayal swept through Tom's veins. He wanted to lash out at her, to unleash his fury upon her for deceiving him. He wanted to see her suffer, to witness her beg for mercy.

But he quickly regained control of his emotions, his mask of composure slipping back into place as he forced himself to respond calmly.

Hermione's gaze lingered on Tom's retreating figure, a furrow forming between her brows as she pondered his sudden departure. What could have caused such a shift in his demeanor? He had seemed perfectly composed yesterday, but today, something seemed off.

"Hermione," called Archon from behind, pulling her attention away from her thoughts. She turned to face him, noting the smile on his face.

"Good morning, Archon," Hermione replied, returning the smile with a slight nod of acknowledgment.

"Have you seen Tom? He seemed a bit off just now," Archon asked, his smile fading slightly as he glanced in the direction Tom had gone.

Hermione nodded, her brow furrowing with concern. "Yes, he brushed past me just a moment ago. He seemed... troubled."

Archon's smile returned, but there was a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Perhaps he just needs some time to sort things out. Anyway, shall we head to breakfast? I'm famished."

Hermione nodded, deciding to push aside her worries about Tom for the time being. "Yes, let's. I could use some food too."

As they walked together towards the Great Hall, Hermione couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind. Something wasn't right with Tom, and she was determined to find out what it was.

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