Chapter 18: Combat Practice

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The sun was high in the sky as Hermione reluctantly made her way to the Quidditch pitch, where Archon had invited her to watch his practice. She wasn't particularly fond of sports, but after the events of the previous night, she welcomed the distraction.

As she approached the pitch, she could hear the sound of broomsticks zooming through the air and the shouts of players echoing across the field. Hermione found a spot on the sidelines and settled in to watch, her mind still clouded with thoughts of her failed attempt to open the Chamber of Secrets.

As she watched Archon and his teammates fly gracefully through the air, executing maneuvers with precision and skill, Hermione couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. Memories of Harry and Ron's Quidditch matches flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but smile at the fond recollection of those simpler times.

Lost in her thoughts, Hermione didn't notice when Archon flew towards her until he was hovering right in front of her, a charming smile on his face.

"Hey, Hermione!" he greeted her, his voice carrying over the noise of the practice. "Glad you could make it. Would you like something to drink? Or maybe a snack?"

Hermione nodded gratefully, appreciating the gesture. "Yes, thank you, Archon. I could use a drink."

With a flick of his wand, Archon summoned a couple of drinks and a plate of snacks, which Hermione eagerly accepted.

As Hermione and Archon sat enjoying their snacks, Robastian approached them, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the food.

"Hey, mind if I join you guys?" he asked, a hopeful look on his face.

Hermione smiled warmly at him. "Of course, Robastian! The more, the merrier. Come sit with us."

But before Robastian could take a seat, Archon intervened, his tone firm. "Sorry, Robastian, but this food is only for two people. You'll have to find something else to eat."

Robastian's expression fell, but he obediently took a seat nearby, casting a longing glance at the food on Hermione and Archon's plates.

As they ate, Hermione couldn't help but notice the tension between Archon and Robastian. They bickered back and forth, exchanging sharp remarks and pointed glares.

Trying to ease the tension, Hermione changed the subject. "So, how much do you two know about Tom Riddle?" she asked casually, hoping to glean some information.

Robastian shrugged. "Not much, really. I know he comes from the Gaunt bloodline and that he's supposedly the heir of Salazar Slytherin."

Hermione nodded thoughtfully. "And have either of you heard of any pureblood families with the surname Riddle?"

Robastian shook his head. "Nope, never heard of it."

Archon remained silent, his expression darkening at the mention of Tom's name. It was clear that he wasn't pleased with the direction of the conversation.


The Hogwarts training room was dimly lit as Hermione stood facing Professor Dumbledore, anticipation coursing through her veins. She was here to learn combat magic, a skill she knew would be invaluable in the turbulent times ahead.

Dumbledore, with his usual calm demeanor, stood opposite her, his piercing blue eyes alight with wisdom and determination. "Today, Hermione, we will focus on defensive spells and maneuvers," he began, his voice carrying authority and reassurance.

Hermione nodded eagerly, her wand at the ready. She trusted Dumbledore implicitly and was eager to absorb every word of his instruction.

"Let us begin with the Protego charm," Dumbledore said, demonstrating the spell with a flick of his wand. A shimmering barrier materialized in front of him, deflecting an imaginary attack.

Hermione watched closely, committing the incantation and wand movement to memory. With a deep breath, she replicated the spell, feeling a surge of satisfaction as the protective shield formed before her.

"Excellent, Hermione," Dumbledore praised, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Now, let us move on to the Disarming Charm."

For the next hour, Hermione and Dumbledore worked tirelessly, practicing various defensive spells and techniques. Under Dumbledore's patient guidance, Hermione's confidence grew with each successful spell cast.

As the training session drew to a close, Dumbledore smiled warmly at Hermione. "You have made remarkable progress, my dear," he said, his voice tinged with admiration. "Remember, the key to mastering combat magic lies not only in skill but in the strength of your resolve and the purity of your intentions."

Hermione nodded her head in agreement with Dumbledore's words, her determination burning bright. With a resolute expression, she adjusted her stance and readied herself for the next round of practice.

Dumbledore watched her with pride, his eyes reflecting confidence in her abilities. "Let us continue, Hermione," he said, his voice steady and encouraging.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione focused her attention, her wand poised and ready. With a swift motion, she cast the Disarming Charm, sending a burst of energy towards Dumbledore.

The seasoned wizard effortlessly countered the spell, deflecting it with a flick of his wand. Hermione watched closely, absorbing every movement and technique.

They continued their practice, exchanging spells and maneuvers with precision and determination. Each time Hermione cast a spell, she felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing she was growing stronger and more skilled with every passing moment.

As the training session came to an end, Hermione felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her. She knew she still had much to learn, but with Dumbledore's guidance, she was confident that she was on the right path.

With a grateful smile, Hermione thanked Dumbledore for his invaluable instruction. "I will continue to practice diligently, Professor," she said, her voice filled with determination.

Dumbledore returned her smile, his eyes twinkling with pride. "I have no doubt that you will, Hermione," he replied, his tone filled with confidence. "Remember, perseverance and dedication are the keys to mastery."

After an intense session of combat magic practice, Hermione and Dumbledore took a moment to catch their breath. They found themselves sitting in Dumbledore's office, surrounded by the comforting ambiance of the room.

Hermione took a seat opposite Dumbledore, her expression serious as she reported on her plans. "Professor," she began, "I've been considering how to proceed while I work on opening the Chamber of Secrets. I believe one effective strategy could be to create rumors about Tom Riddle's blood status. As you know, he harbors disdain for Muggle-borns despite being half-blood himself."

Dumbledore listened attentively, nodding in understanding. "A cunning plan, Hermione," he acknowledged. "Rumors have a way of spreading like wildfire, especially within the confines of Hogwarts. It may prove to be a useful tactic in undermining Riddle's influence."

Hermione nodded, grateful for Dumbledore's support. "I'll begin spreading the rumors discreetly, ensuring they gain traction without drawing undue attention," she assured him.

Dumbledore offered her a reassuring smile. "In the meantime, I have been working to persuade the Hogwarts Board of Governors to open an investigation into the death that transpired last month," he revealed. "I believe it is imperative that we uncover the truth behind the tragic event and hold those responsible accountable."

Hermione's eyes brightened with hope at Dumbledore's words. "Thank you, Professor," she said earnestly. "Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Together, we will uncover the truth and ensure justice is served."

Dumbledore placed a hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Indeed, Hermione," he said firmly. "We shall strive to uphold the principles of truth and justice, no matter the obstacles we may face."

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