🏵️ Chapter Twenty : Julia

Start from the beginning

As they sat together, the courtyard seemed to offer peace, a temporary escape from the chaos of their lives.

And for that brief moment, Lisa allowed herself to believe that everything would be okay.

Later, as Jeongguk returned to his ward, he found Hyun busily preparing food on the table.

Hyun greeted him with a warm smile, but Jeongguk's expression was troubled.

"How was your time outside?" Hyun inquired, noticing Jeongguk's somber demeanor. "You look like something's bothering you."

Jeongguk sank onto the bed, his thoughts consumed by the question Lisa had posed earlier. "Hyun," he began tentatively. "Do you know someone named Julia?"

The mention of Julia caught Hyun off guard, and he struggled to find the right words. "Um, where did you hear that name?" he asked cautiously.

"It was Lisa, one of the doctors I met in the courtyard," Jeongguk explained, his tone tinged with confusion. "She seemed to think I should know about her, but I have no recollection."

Hyun's heart sank at the mention of Julia's name.

He knew that Jeongguk wasn't ready to confront the truth about her, especially considering the depth of his feelings for her.

"I'm not sure who she is, Jeongguk," Hyun replied carefully, masking his own inner turmoil. "Perhaps it was a misunderstanding on Lisa's part."

Jeongguk, though the uncertainty lingered in his mind.

Deep down, Hyun knew that the truth about Julia would surface eventually, but for now, he was content to shield Jeongguk from the pain of the past.


Sunday, March 28th, 1980

A week later, Lisa refrained from broaching the topic of Julia with Jeongguk.

She sensed that he needed some time to heal and process his memories before discussing such a sensitive matter.

In the courtyard, Lisa sat patiently on the bench, anticipating Jeongguk's arrival.

However, he was nowhere to be seen.

As she waited, Hyun, Jeongguk's brother, approached her with a friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Hyun, Jeongguk's brother. Do you mind if I sit here?"

Lisa returned his smile and shook her head. "Of course, please, have a seat."

Hyun settled onto the bench, feeling a bit awkward but eager to speak with Lisa.

"Um, you must be Dr. Lisa, right?" Hyun asked, trying to break the ice.

Lisa nodded. "Yes, that's me."

Hyun nodded in acknowledgment. "My brother mentioned you a few times. He seemed to enjoy spending time with you here."

Lisa smiled warmly. "He's a nice companion. He once mentioned wanting to meet here every day, whenever I had the chance. Unfortunately, I haven't seen him lately."

Hyun's expression turned somber. "Jeongguk's unable to move around much right now. He had a bad headache this morning, so he's stuck in the ward for a few days until he feels better."

"I hope he recovers soon," Lisa said sympathetically.

After a moment of silence, Hyun broached a delicate topic. "Dr. Lisa," he began respectfully. Lisa turned her attention to him, curious about what he wanted to say. "Jeongguk asked me about someone named Julia. Do you happen to know her?"

Lisa hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "I did meet her once," she admitted. "It was at the Lorelei station before the explosion."

"You were there?" Hyun asked, concern evident in his voice.

Lisa nodded. "Yes, I was. After the explosion, I tried to help everyone I could. That's when I found her. She mentioned saving a bouquet before her last breath. Inside the bouquet, there was a letter and a picture of him. That's when I learned her name and Jeongguk's."

Hyun nodded and sighed heavily. "I'm relieved that Jeongguk seems to have forgotten about her. If he learned about Julia's passing, it would devastate him, and his recovery could suffer. He loved Julia deeply. They were set to marry in just two months," Hyun explained, his voice heavy with emotion. "He'd been looking forward to it for years, especially after returning from deployment. But now..." He trailed off, struggling to contain his emotions.

Lisa listened attentively, her heart going out to Hyun and Jeongguk.

"Dr. Lisa," Hyun continued, turning to her, "Please, if Jeongguk ever asks about her again, I implore you not to tell him the truth. It could have serious consequences for his well-being."

Lisa nodded solemnly. "I understand. I'll be cautious with my words."

Hyun offered her a small, grateful smile, and Lisa returned it, feeling a sense of responsibility settle over her.

"Would it be alright if I visit him?" Lisa asked Hyun, expressing her desire to visit Jeongguk in his ward. "Maybe tomorrow?"

Hyun nodded with a smile. "I'm sure he'd be happy to see you, Doctor."

Meanwhile, in the hospital ward, Jeongguk lay on his bed, his mind filled with fragments of memories and unanswered questions.

The mention of Julia stirred something within him, which he couldn't quite grasp.

He closed his eyes, willing the persistent headache to subside, and drifted into a restless sleep, hoping for clarity and peace in the days to come.

He closed his eyes, willing the persistent headache to subside, and drifted into a restless sleep, hoping for clarity and peace in the days to come

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