Rock Solid

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Stiles sighed as he rubbed his eyes, clearing sleep from them and stared at his history homework, he always hated writing essays, he always got off topic and thus got marks taken off. In a tank next to him lay his salamander whom he had named Frost, as his (yes, it was a boy) blue skin reminded him of the icy mornings in Poland where he had spent a winter there when he was 7, just before his mom got diagnosed. When Stiles had passed out, Phineas had called the others and had taken him back to Rootcore, once he had regained consciousness, he had found out that Frost was his familiar, who could essentially help him with magic. Udoanna said that nearly all mages had familiars, but they never found them as early as he had, he sighed as he stretched "Come on Frost, let's clear our heads" he said as he lowered his arm into the tank and Frost quickly climbed up his arm and settled on his shoulder, walking downstairs he could hear the voices of his teammates when his phone buzzed.

Hey bro, how's Briarwood? Scott's message said Stiles sighed to himself, wishing that both he and Scott had the guts to call each other instead of texting. Things were still tense between him and the pack, Stiles desperately wished things were back to how they were happened.

It's good, quiet compared to Beacon Hills he texted back, it was half true. While the monsters did cause chaos in town, no one was dying and they knew who was causing the trouble, meaning there was no need to stay up for hours researching

"hey, Stiles! How's the paper going?" Xander greeted him as he entered the store

"Ugh! Horrible! we're supposed to write an essay on the history of the Industrial Revolution but my ADHD is acting up, and when it does, I tend to go off track and write the strangest topics"

"oh come on, it can't be that bad!" Vida said coming from the DJ table

"I once wrote about the history of the Male Circumcision. for economics"

"yikes," Chip said as Maddison appeared from the office, a strange look on her face

"You ok sis?" Vida asked, concern lacing her voice

"Yeah, I'm fine. just need some fresh air" She walked out and Vida's concern looked turned into a stormy one as she glared at the office

"Hey Vida, calm down," Xander said

"Never. tell. a. woman. to. calm. down." Vida growled out, not taking her eyes off the doorway to Toby's office

"if you kill him I know the perfect place to hide a body" Stiles whispered to her and a sadistic grin crept on her face

"NO killing!" Chip quickly said, making Vida pout

"Fine. Can I at least hurt him?" she asked

"Yeah, absolutely!" Chip nodded and Vida smirked before storming into the office

"You know. I don't even want to know how you know where to hide a dead body" Xander said

"Perks of having a sheriff as your dad" Stiles shrugged

"that's so cool" Chip said and Stiles laughed, the warm feeling in his chest that hadn't felt since the Nogitsune felt good. The pack didn't really know how to treat him and neither did his dad, it was easier to pretend that it never happened with his new friends who knew nothing about his past

"Did you guys hear about the attack last night?" LeeLee asked, coming up to them, the others smiled and greeted her but Stiles backed up slightly. Her presence always made him feel weird, he felt Frost's claws dig deeper into his shoulders sensing his master's discomfort around the blonde.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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