Code busters

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It had been a few days since Stiles, Vida, Nick, Xander, Chip and Madison became rangers and so far there have yet to be any attacks from the underworld, so Udonna had tasked the rangers to get used to one of their modes of transport; their mystic racers. Well, technically they were still broomsticks, but transformed into something more modern and sleek. The other rangers had no trouble with racing one another, but Stiles had difficulty getting used to the speed, his jeep was not built for speed (well, technically it was back in the 1980s) but he was alright with that. The mystic racers were also much too sensitive for his taste. Roscoe required heavy handling and that's what he was used to (and why he was banned from driving Derek and Jackson's cars, unless it's an emergency) so for the mystic racer to turn at the slightest touch of his hand was daunting. Stiles saw the others easily hop off their racers and land gracefully next to Udoanna but Stiles was going too fast and couldn't find the brakes, he tried pulling the racer upwards to make it slow down, but instead, the racer did a complete 180 and flipped him inside down. Feeling slightly queasy seeing everything upside down, he let go of his racer in panic and fell to the ground. Of course, Stiles being Stiles meant that he, unlike the others, would not land gracefully and would have landed on his face if Udonna hadn't stepped in.

"I am NOT doing that again," Stiles said as he was carefully lowered to the ground

"aw come on!' Xander grinned as their racers turned into broomsticks once more and floated to their hands "it wasn't too bad"

"yeah well, I prefer my jeep. Thank you very much"

"Don't worry stiles, we're done with racer practice for the day" Udoanna declared, much to the disappointment of Chip and Vida

"aw come on! Just one more lap?" Chip begged

"Yeah, I'm just getting warmed up!" Vida added, "I wanna see what this bad boy can really do!"

"I'm afraid not, it's time for elementary incantations," Udoanna said

"boring!" Chip and Vida said at the same time

"hey!" Madison said stepping forward, "I think that sounds interesting"

"Yeah, me too!" Nick said stepping forwards so he was walking next to her

"Oh brother" Stiles muttered under his breath as he followed the other rangers, he knew that look on Nick's face. It was the same look Scott had when he first saw Alison, when he talked about Alison, when he thought about Alison, when he first saw Kira and when Issac said he was the hot girl. Stiles knew that Madison also felt the same way about Nick as he did her, and hopefully, would get their little Romeo and Juliet fling out of the way. 'On the bright side' Stiles thought as he turned back into the conversation happening around him 'at least they're not on opposing sides'

"..and let's get our booty!" Vida was saying

"it doesn't work that way, as you perform heroic deeds and grow as rangers. the Xetotomb will reveal spell codes, when the time is right" Udoanna said with a sly smile Vida groaned as they arrived at Rootcore, Stiles was about to follow Nick, Madison and Xander into the main room, but noticed that Vista and Chip were whispering to the side

"Hey, you guys coming?" Stiles called out to them

"you go ahead, we'll catch up later" Vida called as she and Chip walked away, Stiles sighed but walked into Rootcore as Madison brought a large pile of books onto the table, where Nick and Xander were already reading, so Stiles grabbed a book off Madison's pile and started reading

"look at all these incantations, how are we supposed to remember all of these?" Xander asked out loud

"I think there's a memory spell for that," Stiles said thoughtfully "not sure, the embassy back home didn't really do a lot of incantations. It was mostly potions and stuff from books he used, the other magic users that come to Beacon Hills were all evil, not exactly the kind of people to ask about magic"

Stiles Stilinski:Black Mystic Force RangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon