Broken spell part 2

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Like I said, the timeline for Teen Wolf s4 is a little different, Scott bites Liam before they go to Mexico and Parrish is a phoenix instead of a hellhound. He was always a Phoenix, just like Lydia was always a banshee and the bite brought out her banshee side, but with Parrish it was the explosion that brought his Phoenix side out, he cannot die from serious injuries or explosions but will die of old age (cause its sad seeing everyone you love die and you're immortal)

Also, I have created a monster (in myself), I can't get the idea of another Teen Wolf/PR au, again with Stiles as a ranger. This time it's Dino Thunder, should I go for it? If I do: it will take place either after S2 or S3B. Originally I was going to have Peter be the one to provide a place for Stiles to stay as well as acting as his guardian, but the other day I was thinking that maybe Tommy could be his uncle, either on his dad's side or his mom's. Please tell me which one you would prefer

"on your feet," the purple knight said in a monotone voice, Stiles struggled to get up, as did the others "darkness has come"

"I got a bad feeling about this" Madison grunted

"I do not know you warrior, but if it is a fight you want, then it is a fight you shall get," Udonna said, standing in front of everyone

"hold on," Xander said, "let me try and reason with him" Stiles rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to facepalm as Xander stepped forward. This guy was seriously giving him Scott vibes, except without the puppy-dog eyes, hopefully, this guy wouldn't have Scott's 'no killing' rule (which was a stupid rule in Stiles' opinion) "hi, I'm Xander"

"I am Korrag. The night wolf" the knight now known as Korrag said before holding out his hand and began chanting, summoning a dark circle. Suddenly he began to grow and a giant horse appeared, Korrag jumped and grew giant before merging with the horse, becoming a centaur

"wow! a centaur!" Chip said in wonder "I want one!"

"stand back rangers, this is a battle too difficult for you," Udonna said and taking out her wand, she morphed before growing to the same size as Korrag, Stiles watched in wonder as both giant warriors? knights? fought against each other, but Korrag proved to be too powerful as he sent a bolt of lightning at Udonna causing her to let go of her grasp and fall to the ground, shrinking back to normal size, while demorphing.

Stiles watched as Udonna's wand fell from her grasp to the ground, where it shrunk back to normal size, while the others gathered around her, Stiles ran to the wand, knowing that it would be bad if Korrag got his hands on it. But before he reached the wand, small flames were fired at him and he had to jump to the side to avoid getting hit.

"not so fast spark," Korrag said, picking up the wand "although I must admire your bravery. We shall meet again soon," he said before disappearing and Stiles felt a shiver go up his spine

Later, Stiles and the others gathered in Rootcore and Claire was turned back to normal

"now that my magic wand is gone, I am unable to fight, but I can still teach you magic if you are still in"

"hell yeah! I'm not letting some creepy knight rule our world" Vida said and Madison nodded

"me too! I've always wanted to be a wizard!" Chip added, jumping on the balls of his toes

"I'm already learning magic, might as well put it to good use" Stiles shrugged

"quick question, what in the world is a spark?" Xander asked

"a spark is a rare magic-user thought to have died out years ago, and were thought to be some of the most powerful magic wielders" Udonna explained, "it was said that their magic is not limited to incantations, potions or other trinkets to use their magic, their magic is powered by their belief."

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