Broken spell part 1

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Hey guys! This is my first Teen Wolf fanfic so please be nice. Mystic force is one of my favourite seasons, both the American version and the Japanese version (Mahou Sentai Magiranger), and I'm really excited to explore this story! Some teen wolf characters may make an appearance later (Kate and Peter). This takes place during season 4, but season 4 never took place, but some events still took place like Scott biting Liam, Derek being de-aged and Kate returning.

Also, Alison, Erica, Boyd and Aiden are alive, Issac and Jackson never left


Stiles sighed as he parked his beloved jeep in front of the woods, just 3 days ago, he had left Beacon Hills to go to Briar Woods to learn how to control his spark so he could become Scott's emissary. He had asked Deaton to teach him, but he said that there was a better teacher here who could teach him more.

Stiles didn't really mind, sure, he had to go to a different school but it was the best for now. After being freed from the Nogitsune, he had been suffering from nightmares. Nightmares where he had killed Allison and Adian, Scott had bit Alison to save her life and her father had accepted that his daughter was now a werewolf. Aidan had been more fortunate (that was putting it lightly), Boyd, Erica and Ethan had arrived just in time to save him and was now all three of them were part of the pack along with Danny, who had been told after he stumbled across Ethan half-shifted, he had freaked out a bit but accepted that werewolves existed and was currently dating Ethan.

The others had forgiven him but he couldn't forgive himself. He had almost killed one of his closest friends and couldn't shake the painful look on her face when 'he' had stabbed her. He needed time away from them to heal. Luckily his mom had a brother who lived here who was able to take him in, at least until he finished the year. They used the excuse that his dad had been kidnapped by a serial killer and Stiles had been suffering from nightmares and that's why he was staying with his uncle Toby. It was weird seeing him again, Stiles hadn't seen or spoken to any of his mom's relatives since her funeral, it wasn't his choice, his dad had refused to speak to any of them. Bless Toby's soul that he agreed to take Stiles in.

It had been hard to say goodbye to the pack, but they had understood why exactly he had to leave, leaving Scott was the hardest, they always had a hard time staying away from each other. So hard that the best punishment Melissa could give Scott was 'no Stiles'. He had already unpacked his stuff at his uncle's house was now meeting the teacher Deaton recommend.

It just so happened that the teacher lived in the woods, the woods that were apparently 'haunted'. Stiles had to bite back a laugh when he first heard that, he had dealt with Werewolves, Banshees, Kanimas and much more. A simple ghost would be a breeze. Taking a deep breath, Stiles walked into the woods, he had only walked for a few minutes when he suddenly felt a surge of magic. Glancing around he noticed that the trees around him were had lost their colour, from a light brown to a dullish darker brown, he looked behind him and saw that he did not recognise any of the trees behind him. Instead of being straight and long, all of the trees were wavy and leafless. He reached out in front of him and felt a strong surge of magic as the space in front of him felt like jelly.

"a protection barrier?" Stiles whispered in awe, protection barriers were very advanced magic, and for someone to make a barrier as large as this, had to be very powerful. But it also made him cautious, someone was using the barrier to protect something or someone. Someone dangerous. He continued wandering through the woods, keeping an eye out for any sign of a path or cottage, unfortunately, he didn't find anything. What he did find were 5 young adults (they looked older than him so he could call them adults); 2 girls and 3 boys, wandering around the woods.

Stiles Stilinski:Black Mystic Force RangerWhere stories live. Discover now