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November 4th 2021

De Luca Estate


Madeleine's POV

I woke up in a large foreign room. I was in the covers of this massive white bed. It was black and white, no pictures except from one.

A picture of my face on the ceiling.

Where the hell am I? I'm not in the same clothes from yesterday, I'm wearing a large black t-shirt that smells of a man's cologne, which makes me wonder who changed me out of my clothes, I still had my underwear on though. My phone is nowhere to be found and the view from the window doesn't look like New York at all.

I stood up and attempted to open the door, which was obviously locked. I don't think screaming for help would work. Then it hit me.

I was literally abducted by some guy called Max and that useless 'bodyguard' Mikhail, reason still unknown, but it creeped me out that there was a huge picture of my face in this room.

A sudden urge to pee came over me and I rushed to the en-suite bathroom which had the same colour scheme as the bedroom. I did my business and looked at myself in the mirror as I washed my hands. My hair was somewhat alright but damn could I smell my breath. Subconsciously, I looked down at my stomach and remembered that I had only just found out I was pregnant.

I rubbed my belly and prayed to the Lord that we would both be able to escape this place and that Lorenzo would find us. We would be okay.

The necklace that Lorenzo gave me wasn't on my neck, there was a tracker in it and they obviously knew that.

After looking around the room for places to escape, someone knocked on the door and came in before I could tell them to not enter. It was a woman who I assume to be a maid due to her clothing.

"Hello Miss Falade, my boss would like you to get ready before you come downstairs" she had a dress in her hand, she put it on the chair that was in front of a vanity and then went to laying the bed. I guess I should do what she says so her boss doesn't fuck me up, but who is her boss? Max or someone else? Before I could even bombard her with questions, my stomach grumbled, and it wasn't quiet at all "I can bring you something light to eat and some water before you have breakfast with him"

"Thanks, are we still in New York?" it was obvious that we weren't in New York but I just had to hear her say it.

"Oh no, we're in Italy" ITALY? How long was I asleep for?

After getting ready and putting on this short white dress and a pair of white sliders, the same woman who brought me this dress came back and lead me to 'breakfast'.  The whole estate was black and white like that creepy bedroom and there wasn't much decoration.

She opened the door for me to appeared to be the dining room. There was a man sat at the head of the table. Dark curly hair, no facial hair, brown eyes that were piercing through my soul and a sharp jawline that could slice an apple.

He stood up from his seat and he was quite tall. Definitely 6 foot something but not as tall as my man. This mystery man took long strides to me as I took steps back until I hit a wall. He was in a black and white suit but his jacket was on the chair he had been sitting on. He gently grabbed my hand and kissed it before he spoke.

"You're even more beautiful in person Madeleine, why are you shying away from me?" he can't be serious right.

"I don't know you" I wanted to say more but seeing as this man had me kidnapped to a whole other country already told me that he was significantly mentally challenged.

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