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June 1st 2021


Lorenzo's Workplace

Lorenzo's Workplace

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Madeleine's POV

It's been 10 days since I last saw Lorenzo and he seems to be all I think about. If it was business, wouldn't he need his lawyer? I guess not.

Work has been okay so far. I've dodged Femi as much as I can and I've started talking to Lorenzo's assistant, Kiara, a lot more during lunch. 

The first few days were painful because it was that time of the month and cramps are a bitch.

She wore black glasses, her hair was dark brown and wavy.  Her eyes were a light brown and she was also fluent in Spanish because she was Mexican and African American.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" She asked as we walked back into the office. We went out to eat at a restaurant near the office.

"My friend, Lucia, she's modelling for Prada and invited me to Milan." I explained excitedly. Then I remembered I haven't packed and we forgot to book a flight. How does ome forget to book the flight? My days.

"Lucky you, I went to Sicily not Milan but Italy is great" I nodded.

My phone started ringing once we entered the elevator. I didn't know whether or not I should pick up since I was still talking to Kiara.

"You can pick up the phone I don't mind" she said almost as if she was reading my thoughts.

Checking the caller ID, I saw Lucia's name on the screen and picked up the phone.

"Hi Lucia" I haven't talked to her in a while.

"Hey" she replied back "I heard you got the job, how's work been?" This is awkward considering that I fucked her brother.

"It's been great thanks for telling me about it, I didn't know the lawyer was supposed to move in though" I answered honestly. The line was silent for a while and Kiara looked at me confused.

"Move in?" Lucia spoke up.

"Yeah last month but it's been okay" I said.

"Urm, I see" she stuttered "Anyway you and Amaya are coming to the show this weekend right?"

"Definitely" I just need to ask Lorenzo to leave work on Friday. The show was on Saturday. We said our goodbyes and ended the call.

My MadeleineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora