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July 30th 2021

Country: Unknown

De Luca Estate

Time: Afternoon

(reminder that I'll be using they/them pronouns when referring to the traitor so you don't know if it's a he or she yet)

3rd person's POV:

"So what do you have for me?" Don Marco questioned him.

Don Marco, his right hand man Max, some of his men, the traitor and Benji were sat in the meeting room at the De Luca Estate.

"I was unable to talk to Madeleine for long because Mr Lombardi interrupted and seemed jealous, they spent the entire night together after that" Benji explained.

Originally the plan was for Benji to talk to Madeleine whilst Lorenzo was away, which he did, then give her a drink that would make her feel weaker, the traitor would then show up and take her outside to try and help her feel better before Benji took her away to the De Luca Estate.

"Come siete riusciti a rovinare il piano? Lei dovrebbe essere qui in questo momento!" Marco bellowed and stood up so quick that his seat fell to the floor. His guard picked up the chair and Max told Marco to calm down.

(How did you idiots manage to fuck up the plan? she's supposed to be here right now!)

"Lorenzo called all of us to a meeting which overran and I told Benji to text me when to come back for the next part of the plan but he didn't" the traitor tried to explain "It won't happen again"

"You never told me to message you, you were supposed to come back 5 minutes the meeting with him" Benji scrunched his face, looking at them.

"Sì, l'ho fatto, proprio prima di andarmene" they stated defensively. Max rolled his eyes looking at the two argue with each other. He thought it was pathetic.

(Yes I did, right before I left)

"No, non l'hai fatto o forse eri brillo sul lavoro per ricordare il piano" he clapped back at the rat.

(No you did not or maybe you were tipsy on the job to remember the plan)

"Basta! Abbiamo bisogno di un piano nuovo e definitivo a cui ci atterremo. Sarà mia" Marco shut the two up and put their attention back on him, nodding in agreement to what he said.

(Enough! We need a new and final plan that we will stick to. She will be mine)

"Ora ascolta (Now listen)" Marco said.

Behind the door was Rose who had been walking to the living room with a bowl of fruits until she walked past the office and heard Marco's yelling.

He had brought her here today just to be in a meeting for what seemed like ages.

Her heartbeat stopped as soon as she heard the mention of Madeleine's name. Of course she knew that Marco messed around with other women but she felt attached to him in a way given that he had taken her virginity and she had been around more often.

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