The truth about me

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Once doggo and I got back to Red Rocket, my armor was screaming and needed repairs. I could tell it was going to be awhile before I could use it again. Knowing that I had some time before Preston and the others came up the street, I decided to store the armor at the station for now. As I stepped out of it, my limbs screamed and I could feel the soreness from jumping off the roof.

"Not one of my best moments." Cursing to myself, I took my leather piece off and threw it on the weapons workbench. As much as it hurt, I stretched slowly and let my body work the kinks off.

In the future..start exercising..cause ow.

"Dogmeat, keep watch for them boy. I'm going to take a shower." The dog ruffed at me as I headed for the bathroom I built. It had a sink, toilet and a standup shower. Peeling my vault suit off, I turned on the water stepping under it. My hand gripped the hair tie as I worked it out of my hair. My medium length, chestnut brown hair was a pain due to the layers it had. It was pretty for the first two months then developed a personality of it's own.

Hair I right?

After my shower, I put on fatigues and left the Vault suit off this time. There was left over clothes in the desk drawers before I turned it into a bedroom. The plaid patterned shirt rested snuggly against my skin along with the denim jeans and combat boots. It was definitely more comfortable than the vault suit.

Dogmeat alerted me to people coming up the hill and I exited the doors heading for the edge of the home I had built. Preston tipped his hat when he saw me and raised a brow at the place.

"This where you live?" He asked curiously. His eyes darted to the generator running behind the place. "By yourself?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty much a jack of all trades." Smiling at him, I chuckled. "I used to live in Lexington."

"With all those raiders?" He knitted his brows together and it took him a minute. " wore a blue vault suit with 111 stitched onto the back."

"Correct, I'm a Vault Dweller." It was best to be honest at this point. They seemed like good people and there was no point in hiding it anymore. "Vault 111 rests behind Sanctuary Hills. They locked us in cryopods. I was frozen in stasis for most of it or something..I just woke up a couple days ago.."

"Wow..I'm sorry...that must of been difficult for long were you in stasis?"

"210 years...You could say I'm over 233 years old.." I rubbed the back of my neck and blinked back tears. "I'm sorry.."

"No no, don't be!" Preston put a hand on my shoulder. "Your from before the some prewar ghoul..did anyone else make it out besides you?"

"My friends didn't make it...only their infant son did. He was kidnapped while we all were trapped." Tears spilled off my cheeks as I wiped them away quickly with the back of my hand. "His father wanted me to find him.."

"I'm really sorry..." Preston frowned. "That's a tough thing to go through. If you ever need to talk, I'm here alright?"

"T-Thanks.." Sniffling, I stood up straighter and glanced at him. "Enough feeling sorry for myself, Do you need help getting settled into Sanctuary Hills. The houses could be powered again and furnished with time."

"If your up for it." He said smiling. "It's evening now so the main concern is giving people a place to sleep."

"Have people eaten?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Not yet." He sighed as the group walked towards Sanctuary. "Got any ideas?"

"Give me a second okay?" Hurrying back inside, I grabbed a crate and put some of my canned goods into it. There was a grocery store in Lexington, I could easily restock if needed. When I came back, he slung his rifle on his back as I handed him the crate. "Use this to feed everyone. There's a cooking station by the first house once you enter."

(FO4) Dweller, Her JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now