A Love Like Yours

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Zoro was conflicted. Not in a bad way. More like a 'what the hell am I gonna do I'm not good enough good god I'm overwhelmed with feelings-' type of way. He wanted to tell Sanji that the rugged swordsman had feelings for him. BUT GOOD GOD WAS THIS MF SCARED. Zoro liked a challenge but this was just stupid. He was scared to confess? Zoro choked on his cola at the thought of him being scared of talking about his feelings. But he was scared, he was scared Sanji might reject him and things would get weird. They fought, but it was fun. Being awkward was different.

All Zoro could do was sip his cola and pray for the words to come to him. Once he finished his cola he was walking back to the kitchen when he heard a yell from a distance. "ZOOORRRROOO!!!!" The swordsman did a three sixty and saw Luffy racing towrds the ship, Usopp and Brook hurrying to catch up with the strawhat. "Luffy wait- WHAT THE F-" Usopp yelled sinking into the sand and Brook trying to haul him up. Luffy launched himself onto the deck, "Hey Zoro!" he said looking around, "Are you alone, where's Sanji, AND IS THERE ANY FOOD?!" He yelled, "Nice to see you guys okay, Sanji's here, but..." Zoro started. A sandy Usopp and Brook climbed onto the deck, "What's wrong Zoro?" Brook said, sand falling off his afro. "Yeah, what's up?" Usopp said, his tone a bit worrisome. "It's complicated, okay. Sanji ate these fruits and, well, he got really sick. I've been taking care of him, he's aleep right now. So yeah." Luffy didn't say anything and rush to the boy's room. "Luffy! You idiot didn't you hear?! Sanji's asleep, and he's sick!" Usopp yelled as Brook and Zoro ran after the captain. "Come on Luffy, what the hell," Zoro whispered, entering the room. Brook grasp Luffy's shoulder, "Luffy, is everything okay?" He said. Zoro stood in front of Luffy, "Hey-" "Tell me, how sick is he?" Luffy said, staring at the cook. He didn't look mad or sad, just concerned.

"I don't know." Zoro answered. "What about Chopper?" A voice said. Everyone turned around to see Usopp with Nami and Robin staring from the door frame, Robin had been the one to ask. "Hi, yeah, I haven't seen Chopper," Zoro explained, "I just don't know much about doctor stuff." Zoro wasn't fased by the fact the girls had snuck up on them, yet Luffy and Brook jumped. To put this into focus, Zoro was starting to realize that Sanji may not have been as ok as Zoro thought he was. Sanji was talking to him, so much so that anyone would usually not notice the cook's pain. He might just, no, he couldn't lose Sanji. Not while Zoro was there. All this was leaving Zoro so unfased and numb for anything that wasn't Sanji. Sanji had to be okay. He had to or Zoro couldn't go on.

Taking Care of You: A Zosan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now