Life's Gonna Get Better

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"Swordsman," Sanji started to say. "Yes?" Zoro replied, blowing on the tea. "Why do you seem to care about me?"

All Zoro could do, all he could really do was look at the cook. Sanji asked again, "You could've just let me die-" Zoro slammed the tea on the table, "Don't talk like that! Do you I could go on knowing you wouldn't be here!?"

All was quiet. Sanji stared at the Swordsman, a tear tracing his pale cheek. He couldn't let his emotions interfere with his crew. All he could do was act like those feelings weren't there. In this case, he let those emotions slip out. As he these thoughts were racing through his head, Zoro blushed violently while panicking over the poor cook crying. Zoro was frantically trying to clean the tea up while also making sure he didn't say anything else stupid.

Zoro tried to always keep his personal life to himself. Sometimes, the crew would tease him about the idea of the angry swordsman having a wife.

Zoro didn't want a wife, if you catch mah drift.

The two pirates stayed silent, both stressing over their feelings. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Zoro spoke up. "Sorry, that was unnecessary," Sanji looked at him. "It felt good to hear someone say... that they cared." Zoro leaned back a bit, now more relaxed (STILL BLUSHING OFC). "Really.....?" He replied. Sanji nodded, "I guess... it's kinda dumb but, even though I'm not a kid, I still feel a bit hurt." Zoro lowered his gaze, "Can I ask why," He said softly. Sanji shifted in bed a bit, "I feel like I'm just a cook, anyone could replace me." Zoro looked up at him, "Just don't... don't say that." Sanji jolted up, "Well it's true! You can't replace a devil fruit user! Look at Luffy, Robin, Chopper, heck, Brook is a damn skeleton! Nami is too beautiful, and Franky and Usopp are some of the best engineers out there! And you..." Sanji said, his voice breaking. "....You're so.... strong."

Zoro didn't know what to say. Sanji, someone who meant so much to him, was opening up to him. Of course, Zoro didn't wish for Sanji to open up about feeling so terrible. He didn't want him to be sad. Zoro did something he never thought he would, well heck, it was something he never did. Zoro reached out and carefully took Sanji's hand, acting if the cook was a porcelain doll. Sanji didn't flich or yell at him or kick him in the balls, he just held the swordsman's hand.

Zoro looked at the cook, "Listen to me," he started to say, "Without you, the crew would fall apart. Not just because we would lose such an amazing cook and his food, we would lose a fighter, a friend, a crewmate, a sassy blondie, and.... I'd lose ero-cook." Zoro squeezed the blonde's hand, "I... don't want to lose you, I can't ever lose you."

Quick note-
This Wattpad is now on Ao3, under the same name and username. Check it out, or don't :)

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