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-Fast Forward About 2 Hours-

(Sanji left in a huff to find some food)

Sanji liked yet hated when he argued with Zoro. He like the insult wars or the rude jokes, but sometimes it felt a bit hurtful. He knew this was serious, the crew may be hurt, or the Sunny wrecked, so the fights seemed more real. As Sanji walked around the area where the two men were at, he made a mental note of to things; Make sure you know where Zoro is so you don't get lost. Second, make him rice balls next time you can.

Sanji reached a tree that looked like it had edible fruit, it was filled with blue and purple... oranges. Sanji shrugged and picked about 5 and spent a while getting back to where Zoro was. Surprisingly, he wasn't asleep. "You're back, I was getting worried for a second there." The swordsman mused. "Don't get cocky, I'm fine. Anyway, I found these fruits." Sanji said. "Looks good." Sanji tossed him one, but Zoro threw it back. "Im not hungry, don't worry." Sanji rolled his eyes, "I'd never be worried about such an idiot. I'll still save you one though." Zoro sighed.

The silence of the night finally hit and Sanji spoke up, "If you don't mind, I'm going to sleep." Zoro looked at him from the palm tree he was sitting up against, "Goodnight ero-cook."

Zoro hated Sanji for leaving him alone to look for food. He wasn't able to see his face so he was bored the whole time. As the night was getting cold Zoro remembered the towel he had on his shoulders. He must have been looking like an old grandma or something. He really hoped Sanji didn't see him like that. At this point looking for the others was really no option. It was dark, humid, and the think plants made it hard to move around.

Zoro heaved a sigh, 'I can't even get that cook to like me,' he thought. The next 10 minutes were quiet, with the occasional bird or branch in the distance. "Ahhh-" Zoro hears Sanji groan, "Hey Sanji, are you ok?" That was one of few times Zoro ever said Sanji's name. It made him flinch, the blonde was curled up along the sand (yes the whole island is made of sand) and was holding his stomach with great discomfort. There was a pain throbbing all over his stomach and abdomen. "I'm fine stupid swordsman! Now go sleep!" Zoro walked over to where Sanji played, "I won't stop until you tell me what's wrong." He said stubbornly. All of a sudden, a shock of pain coursed through Sanji,"Damnit- ahhh!" He cried. The pain was the worst thing Sanji had ever felt. Of course he had worse injuries, but the stomach pain was worse than any blow to the stomach.

Zoro grabbed the cook's hand, blushing mildly, "Sanji tell me what's wrong!" Sanji shook himself loose, "It's not your business- ngh- damnit!" The poor cook said, in obvious pain. "What in hell am I going to do with you," Zoro sighed, lifting the cook's upper back slowly, leaning the blonde against a tree. Sanji looked away from Zoro, tears subtly forming in his eyes. The pain was horrible, so bad he couldn't sit up straight, he just clutched his stomach.

Taking Care of You: A Zosan Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن