Life's Gonna Get Better

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Zoro was stunned, not because The Thousand Sunny was hit or Nami giving money to charity, no none of that happened. Zoro was stunned because he thinks he just confessed his feelings for Sanji.

Damn, what a day.

Sanji laid in bed, feeling.... hopeful. He had just thought he heard Zoro say that he cared about him. That was something that the cook had wanted to hear for a long time. He yearned for Zoro to say that he cared, so he could stop worrying and JUST CONFESS ALREADY. All he had waited for was hope. Hope that Zoro would care and Sanji could let his feelings out. Just 2 minutes ago he was worrying about the fact that Zoro would see his feelings and not feel the same. But now, Sanji had hope, hope that Zoro could ever love a guy like Sanji.

It may have seemed like a little hope was no excuse to profess your feelings towards someone, but Sanji was willing to take a goddamn risk.

"Zoro," Sanji said, visibly shaking, "Thanks for saying that." Zoro shifted in his seat, "Don't thank people for stating the obvious." Sanji let out a soft chuckle, the whinced. The pain in his stoamace had subsided, but there was still this pain that made him feel stiff and achy. Zoro snapped out of his little love struck trance, "Hey, don't try to strain yourself curly brows. You're still sick." Sanji nodded, the pain putting him silent. Sanji let out a breath, all that emotion tired him out. Zoro stayed silent, looking away slightly to cover a soft smile. The cook's eyes dwindled, his vision swirling together. Next thing he knew, he was in a deep sleep.


Zoro had a few goals in life. The hardest one was achieving the title of world's greatest swordsman. But now with Sanji, all he had to say was a simple sentence. he didn't know what that sentence was, per se, but he wanted to say something. He watched the cook drift off, the cook's breathing a bit ragged. Oh how Zoro worried about that cook. That stubborn, rude, amazing, talented, beautiful cook. Zoro got up from the chair and walked to the kitchen. He rummaged around looking for some booze, he grunted in dismay when he found nothing. Zoro grabbed a bottle of cola from Franky's stash down at the lower deck. He walked out on deck, it was still dark. The two men had been on the Sunny for about 3 hours. Zoro sipped the cola and thought about his day. The crew got on an island, the marines hit, the crew got split up, Sanji ate some shit fruit, and now Zoro was getting to spend time with the sick cook.

Even though half the day was horrible, he got to spend time with the ero-cook.

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