CHAPTER 10 | Stranger

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I love this kind of weather, it's rainy and cloudy and just perfect. London is my new favourite place and I hope my sister won't mind me visiting her over and over again until she gets sick of me. I love the relationship we have, she's the best older sister ever. Always protective but not too much. I can talk to her about anything and not feel judged by her when she asks me questions or offers me advice.

My relationship with Nasir and Milan is the best except for my youngest brother Omar. When we first met, he was very reserved and questioned our father a lot about if I am the person they say I am. I had to secretly do DNA tests to prove to him that we share the same DNA. We were having dinner and he was talking to me like I was an imposter, like I didn't deserve to be seated amongst them. I took out the papers and showed them to him so he could believe me.

Our father was very angry that he would question my existence. I told them that I had to do it because I wanted him to believe me. He's the only one who has made me feel unwelcome and uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel like he wishes that I could just disappear. I take out my phone and look at my pictures with Kwame. I miss him so much and I would give anything to see him right now and be in his arms. Tell him everything that is in my heart.

When we talked on the phone I felt like I was talking to my boyfriend Kwame. I was thinking about him when he called and my heart skipped a beat. He asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I almost told him but then I kept it to myself because if I say it out loud, I feel like it won't happen. I haven't seen him in two years but the feelings I have for him haven't changed. I still love him very much and maybe I always will but someone has caught my eye no matter how hard my father has tried to make sure that no man gets close to me. I smile just thinking about him because I have a crush on him and maybe it's time I did something about it.

I head to the bathroom and take a shower, dress up and walk out of my bedroom looking absolutely beautiful. When I walk in the kitchen my mood instantly changes because Omar is here. He's with our mother and they seem to be having a serious conversation because my mother doesn't look like she's okay. Their relationship is also hard because mom “ died”  when he was 5 years old so he doesn't remember her even though they have videos and pictures of them together. How I wish I had all of those.

My mom looks up and smiles. His head shifts, he looks me up and down then gets up and heads somewhere in the house. I fight the tears that are threatening to fall, I wish Omar didn't hate me.
“ Come here, you look so beautiful”
“ Thank you” I sat down.
“ Don't let him get to you. It's still hard for him to accept that he's not the last born. He will come around just give him time”
“ He hates me mama and I don't understand why because I proved to him that I am his sister but he just refuses to accept it. I didn't ask for all of this” 

“ Omar has always been a child that needed extra attention”
“ Well he's no longer a child, he's a grown ass man. He's 26 mama!. Grown men at his age don't act like 16 year olds. He makes me feel like I don't belong with all of you, he treats me like an outsider!” A tear drops. “ What did I do to him to deserve this kind of punishment?”
“ Because you ruined our lives! We were happy without you and we had our aunt and now she's dead because of you….”

My heart breaks into tiny little pieces and I just want to die. My mother and I stand up. I can't believe he just said that. “ You shut the hell up Omar! Don't talk to your sister that way….”
“ It is the truth! She should have stayed from whatever hole she crawled ....”
I see my walking past me, heads towards Omar then she slaps him so hard I feel it on my cheek.
“ How dare you say that! You know what that evil woman you call your aunt did to us. She ruined our lives. Sent our mother to live in a looney bin after faking her death. Our sister was raised by strangers who made her life a living hell and you have the fxcken audacity to blame her, wish she stayed where she was? How dare you Omar! Blame your aunt and leave Amara alone!”

BROKEN PIECES OF HIM. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum