CHAPTER 4 | I Owe You

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I kept hearing her words as she said goodbye, I could hear the little hope she had when I called her, then it died when she realised that I still couldn't remember her. Maybe I will have my memories back and remember her but I just hope it won't be too late because a beautiful young woman like Amara will attract a lot of boys her age since She's 19 and I'm 34, God she's young.

I zip my back, ready to walk out of this damn hospital and head back to Joburg when my uncle walks in alone. This man is very intimidating. He closes the door and we look at each other.
“ How the hell do you come into town and not tell me?”
“ From what I understand uncle, it was a spur of the moment thing. It wasn't planned”
“ Look at what happened to you because you decided to use your heart instead of your head first”
“ I guess I really wanted her and her mother to be reunited with their family”
He takes a seat on the chair and I sit on the bed.

“ I'm very angry at you because you almost lost your life, you made my sister cry very much and you didn't trust me enough to tell me what was going on. I understand at that time you were afraid for your life when you found out but you knew very well that I will protect and I always have”
“ I'm sorry uncle Ngcebo, it won't happen again”
“ You're damn right it won't. If anything of this sort happens again, you come to me and I decide how we are going to deal with it. I won't tell you again.”

I just nod cause arguing with this man will either end with me being admitted again or something worse like my mother actually finding out the other things I do and I don't want that.
“ I'm proud of you for what you did for her. It wasn't an easy thing to decide to come to Nasir turf and want to have a meeting with him. You saved his sister's life, his mother's life too and that is something he can never forget.”

“ I apparently did it out of love. I love her, that's what the guys told me.”
“ You do, you wouldn't have killed the people you killed if you didn’t. Your brother wouldn't have told you about her mother if they knew she didn't mean anything to you. Nqubeko, are you sure you're have amnesia because not a single bullet hit your head, even a little bit”
“ I can't remember a thing uncle.”
“ Really cause there's no medical explanation for this”
“ These things happen all the time”
“ You're one of the smartest people I have ever met, your brilliant Kwame and you're capable of doing anything you put your mind to. You're a skilled thief too, the best and your artists skills are amazing so excuse me when I'm failing to understand that you suddenly have amnesia”

I chuckle. “ Uncle, you think I'd fake it? For what though?”
“ For protecting your heart in case Amara asks you for a break or decides to maybe go and live in another continent with her father or sister. Maybe you're protecting your heart before she breaks it. Maybe you're afraid that she won't forget her past because you'll be still part of her life and she'll never get over it as long as there's something that keeps reminding her who she was before she was reunited with her family”

I shake my head. “ If I love her the way they say I do then I don't think I'd want her out of my life, no matter what anyone says.”
“ Amara is young, still has a lot to learn about life, love and relationships. She has her whole life ahead of her and I think you don't want to stand in the way of her happiness, of her living the life she was meant to live. ”

“ Maybe I don't,”
“ You're still young yourself but you have learned a lot about life. You know that sometimes when you love something, you have to let go. Let it fly away and maybe if it does come back to you then it was meant to you and if not, it never was. You move on with life and continue to live”
“ So you're saying to me that if I do get my memories back and remember everything, I should let her go and wait for her to come back to me and if she doesn't then she was never mine to begin with? No. I don't think I'd do that.”

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