Chapter 14

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After that whole ordeal I decided to take a sick leave from work for three days so that I can go back to my old self.

I spent the whole day with my sister just chilling, eating ice-cream and watching Netflix just what I needed. My mom also joined us for a little girls time.


"So are you ready to go back to work ?" My mom asked as she saw me coming down the stairs as she was busy making breakfast for us.

"Yes mother I missed my little munchkins a lot" I said as I went to sit down so that I can eat breakfast. My mom always preaches that it is the most important meal of the day.

"I can see that this jobs keeps you happy my child"

"It really does mother it takes my mind away from many things and it doesn't hurt that I love kids" I said with a smile on my face.

"You have always loved kids you would have been a great mother Emily" mom said with a sad smile on her face and my mood dulled a little.

"Yes but today you get to see your little man " Sammy walking into the kitchen, she was by my side the whole of the three days.

"Gosh I miss that little guy" I said with a small smile as I thought about my little man since I haven't seen him for three days straight.

"Why does it sound like you have a favourite?" Dad asked as he also walked into the room and took a sit at the table to join us for breakfast.

"Ohh but she does daddy" Samantha said with her evil laugh.

"Ohh Emily you know that you can't have any favourites" mom said as she set our food on the table.

"Guys I love and treat all my kids the same" I said glaring at Sammy.

"Ohh really ?" She challenged.

"Okay maybe I do have a favourite but once you meet him you guys will understand why I love him a lot"

"Mmh tell them who his father really is " Sam said with her evil smile.

"Sam!" I said with a glare sent her way.

"Who is it ?"

"Who is his father ?" Both my parents asked at the same time.

"No one important really so mom what have you made for us today ?" I tried to change the subject key word being tried.

"Don't change the subject young lady" they said at the same time again. I loved my parents relationship and I looked up to them, I want a love like theirs one day.

"Guys it's no one really" I said.

"Ohh so Mr King is a nobody?" Sam said with her evil smirk.

"I will kill you " I mouthed to her and she just smile at me.

"Whose Mr King?" Dad asked

"Oh honey don't you know Jaxon King the famous business man ?" Mom asked looking at dad.

"Ohh that young business man he is an intelligent young man" dad said.

"Indeed " mom also agreed.

"And Emily has a special relationship with his son" Sam said again.

"He did lose his mother at a young age his bound to get attached to someone poor fellow" mom said.

"Okay enough of this I'm going to work bye guys" I said as I took my bag to go.

"Bye"they all said. Jaxon personal life was not unknown to the public eye that is how mom knew that Kayden lost his mother at a young age.

I got into my car and drove to school because I missed my munchkins a lot maybe one particular munchkin I missed a little more.

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