Chapter 2

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As a teacher you are not supposed to have a favourite student but if I'm being completely honest I did have a favourite student and his name was Kayden and I called him my little man.

Kayden was a sweet little boy who was 4 years old turning 5 this October, he was also very funny and could be a little mischievous at times. And somehow he managed to create a special place for himself in my fragile heart.

During the teachers meeting I have never seen Kayden's mother the only people who attend his meetings are his father and sometimes his grandmother and aunty not that I'm keeping tabs on him or anything but it's kinda hard to miss.

I've been working at Little Dreamers for the past 2 years since my relationship with Paul one of the many things he never allowed me to do for myself as my own person.

"Morning my little munchkins" I said to my class as they started to fill in the class as I was waiting by the door.

"Good morning Miss Cooper" they said in unison while they went to sit down to their designated places.

"Okay let's sit down and get on with our work for today" I said as they started with their work for today.

15 minutes into the class Jade peeped her head inside my classroom. "Morning Emily" she said. "Morning Jade" I replied. "Mrs Perry wants to see you in her office" she said. "Okay thanks Jade" I replied.

Jade Carter was my co-worker who I met at this school and we became close friends. The first time we met she understood that I was going through something in my life and she didn't push me to tell her anything about my life and I was grateful for that, overtime I told her a shortened version of my past and she's been with me ever since.

Mrs Perry was the principal of this pre-school. Cherry Perry was her full name the first time she told me her name I thought it was a joke. Mrs Perry really gave me the benefit of the doubt as I have never worked since I graduated as I've said Paul never allowed me to work he wanted me to be the perfect little wife who was dependent on him.

"Mrs Perry you called for me ?" I asked as I knocked at her door and peeped my head inside her office.

"Enough of that Emily I told you to call me Cherry" she said as I walked inside the office and sat down on the opposite chair.

"Sorry Cherry I keep forgetting " I said as I laughed with her. " Anyway what can I help you with?" I asked again.

"Ohh yes we are planning our yearly fundraiser for the school and I want you and Miss Carter to organise it also don't forget to call Mr King's PA since his our biggest sponsor" she said.

Mr King or as he is know Jaxon King is Kayden's father he has many businesses around the world, he has a chain of hotel's and restaurants. He was also a very big sponsor for our school, you could say this is a prestige pre-school most of the kids parents were well-off and the pay was also good.

"Ohh if course Cherry and could you please forward me Mr King's PA number since I don't have it" I said to Cherry as I was already thinking about what to say to Mr King's PA since I'm not very good at making conversations with people.

"So what did Mrs Perry want ?" Jade asked as she was waiting for me at the corner. She was the more talkative and outgoing between the two of us. Jade was 30 and said that she doesn't see herself getting married anytime soon that marriage was a big responsible and she wasn't ready yet.

I guess since she had supportive parents she didn't feel any pressure and she was also an only child. My parents were also supportive just that my mother had a unique way of showing it.

"She wanted us to organise this year's fundraiser for the school" I said to her as she started jumping up and down.

"Ohh yeah I have always wanted to arrange the fundraiser just not with those snobby teachers" she said her mood dampening a little. " Tell me we get to talk to Mr King" she said cheering up again.

"Ohh why but of course" I said as I laughed a little Jade might have a little crush on Mr King now I don't know if it was a serious thing or not.

"Ohh gosh Emily Mr King is really sexy you know" she said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"And he might have a wife you know remember Kayden's mom ?" I said as I flicked her forehead smiling.

"Ohh hush have you ever seen that woman during parents meetings ?" She asked as she rolled her eyes at me.

"I mean no but she could be busy" I tried to say or give her the benefit of the doubt with my history I learnt not to judge very easily.

"Girl please if that was the case than she's a very neglectful mother and wife" she with an eye roll again.

"Remember Jade it's not our place to judge"I said as I started walking to my class. "And we should meet on Saturday to discuss the fundraiser plans" I said as I stood in my classrooms door.

The rest of the afternoon continued with me helping my students with their work and coming up with ideas for the fundraiser.

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